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Everything posted by Swan88

  1. Doc and Altman were 50/50 against each other at NU and CU,
  2. What group was on the floor toward the end during the 18-2 run?
  3. Here are a couple observations about Worster's shooting percentages based highlights videos like this one: 1. the ball often gets back into his hands at the end of the shot clock, which can require that he put up a difficult shot; and 2. most of his shots come at the rim, because he likes to do a dribble drive (much like Griesel did) and either get to the rim for a shot or dish-off for an assist.
  4. So . . . seriously . . . Is Utah supposed to be bad this year? Regardless, here’s a post on this board from 2022 — after we blew out Colorado by 30 in a 2021 pre-season game: Return exhibition game at Coloarado 5pm - Can be seen online here http://pac-12.com/live/cubuffs Most everyone is familiar with last year's drubbing of the Buffalos in 2021 which turned out to be fool's gold as reality hit early and often after dropping the season opener at home to Western Illinois. What people might not know is that Colorado came slowly out of the gate last season, scrapping by lower tier teams as they built up chemistry which cumulated into a NIT appearance.
  5. Not an offer nor a visit but:
  6. Reports are that he was on the Colorado sideline. Not Nebraska's. At least he kept the "CU" going.
  7. Wow. What a shame: an Aurora, Nebraska, kid gets drafted into the NBA and shows up at Memorial Stadium to celebrate his accomplishment . . . "on the Colorado side"?!! That's sad for him, in my book. Really sad.
  8. Rothstein predicted last July that Nebrasketball would finish 13th out of 14 Big Ten teams. Instead, Nebrasketball finished 3rd out of 14 -- behind only Purdue and Illinois. Now, THAT miss from reality is an epitome of brutality for a self-proclaimed expert on college basketball. This season's Rothstein prognostication of Nebraskteball at 14 out of 18 is a slight improvement: moving up from 7.14% away from the bottom last preseason to 22.22% away from the bottom this preseason.
  9. Maybe an injury to his shooting arm or hand?
  10. The only disappointment I've had in watching a few minutes, here and there, of Berke's games is this: he's no Josiah Allick when it comes to going after loose balls.
  11. I tuned in for a couple minutes at the end of the third quarter. The first thing I saw was Berke backing his defender down and getting a dunk. Then, a little while later, he got a steal on the other end. Then, it looked like he was injured a little. He went out of the game for the last minute or so of the third quarter, and Spain went on a run--from down three to up by three in Berke's absence.
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