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Everything posted by Swan88

  1. Stats and playing time aren’t all that great, yet. But maybe those will follow.
  2. Every B1G team with that record made the Dance for 60+ years in a row. Huskers broke the rule. We didn’t have any friends on the Committee either, including the Chair from Omaha and the guy from Butler.
  3. Ha! There were disappointments in the early Hoiberg era, where the anti-Husker narrative gained some traction. But that ended, abruptly, with the drubbing in Omaha last season. Husker fans are on board—with deep and abiding interest. Many will cheer for other teams in many different contexts. But no one is genuinely saying, “Nebraska is terrible.” No one.
  4. “Exact expressions,” in both politics and sports, arise from a partisan narrative—they are a sure-fire indicator of a bias (e.g., a closet Kansas St. fan masquerading as a true-blue—but “realistic”—Husker).
  5. I’ve also been around the entire State of Nebraska my entire life. And I’ve rarely seen such statements or attitudes from people who care about Husker sports in general. There may be expressions of disappointment from time to time, when things are particularly bad—but those expressions change, immediately and joyfully, when things start looking up.
  6. I’ve been around Omaha a long time, and I’m quite certain that the vast majority of the folks who say such things are fans of other teams. Also, history shows that, when Nebrasketball is even halfway good, Nebraskans jump on that bandwagon in a big hurry.
  7. I’ve always thought it odd when Nebraska high school players go elsewhere. They have a chance to play for the University that represents the entire state and that regularly fills large arenas, even in bad times—but reject that chance. They have a chance to be a home-state hero—but prefer something else. And some go elsewhere with an equivalent of middle fingers flying. To each his/her own, I guess. But I’d take the in-state legacy left, for example, by Sam Griesel and the Allick twins over whatever else is offered.
  8. In last night’s 90 to 85 win over Georgetown, Simeon Witcher played 7 minutes, scored 7 points on three shots and 2 of 2 from the line, and committed 3 fouls.
  9. There may be some portal entries from Petino’s team:
  10. And then there’s Sam Hoiberg.
  11. Ha! Here’s guessing the perversion is with the translator, not the original poster.
  12. Enjoying?
  13. translation: #富永啓生 made three 3-pointers against the University of Michigan today, bringing his total to 152 threesomes in his college career. He became the ninth player from the University of Nebraska to make more than 150 threesomes.
  14. A couple surprises from that game about Sallis: 1. He does not play point guard; and 2. The player he was guarding went off for a career high of 36 points.
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