The part I saw they had an NBA guy casting up threes and he'd barely draw iron, Watanabe. It was inexplicable that Tominaga didn't at least get a decent run when the score deficit started to escalate.
The Big Ten media days just concluded, they had to make it 3 days to cover 18 teams. Sheesh.
It will certainly be interesting how the top 2 will end up, the two teams who make the B18 Championship team in football. I predict Oregon & Ohio St. Just a hunch...
Having legit B1G options at PG will be massive for the team's outlook in 2024-25, I expect Rollie to be rollin' along with Ahron, Nick, Brice, Cale, and whoever else is able to create buckets in this offense. It will be a fun ride, methinks!
Impressive to having made the Top 5, for starters. Freddy seems to have a good chance to finish first, let's see how this plays out with on-campus visits.
Bob Newhart is one of my favorite guys. His dry wit is something Tom Osborne has been trying to obtain. And Bob's immaculate comedic timing was unrivaled. He will be missed, 94 is a long life.
I can appreciate the shot-making of Berke from Turkiye. Going 5 for 5 is no joke. Height and shot-making ability are two important traits that Berke already has going for him, the rest can be taught to him by the excellent NU coaching staff. GBR and Go Berke Go.
If the Big 12 gets to 20 before the Big Ten, that would be something. People thought the Big 12 was dead about a decade ago, and even after losing Texas and OU this off-season, it's alive and kickin'! It's an impressive coup if FSU & Clemson were to entertain Big 12 membership. Wonder whatever happens with Oregon St. & Wazzu, though....
One of the 4 on the Team USA Olympic roster is from Omaha, Nebraska, as 31 year old Dylan Travis joins Canyon Barry, Kareem Maddox, and Jimmer Fredette.