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Everything posted by AuroranHusker

  1. Brian Bowen wouldn't pay to go to C.U. And, trust me, they tried to pay *him* before they could! lol.
  2. To 2-ht P.U. after the stink they pulled off in 2022. A bunch of two-timin', no-good P.U.N.K.'s. lol.
  3. A win is a win. GBR Always. Tomorrow at 2 pm vs Indy or OSU.
  4. ...to 'pine' as in to sit on the pine.
  5. Joe Lunardi is the biggest turd. He's seriously THE WOOOOORST. Speaking of Worster, I'm looking forward to the PG being on campus.
  6. Not a mention of: "for a good time, call..."
  7. Just now seeing this.... damn man, you had me excited, lol.
  8. Seven innings, on this awful night, perhaps the only silver lining of getting housed, I suppose.
  9. I watched the one-inning when the pitcher couldn't get anyone out and thought "WTH"... and shortly thereafter decided to do other things. Sheesh Louise, what the heck happened!?!
  10. Glad you're not that gone-r, roscoe.
  11. Weird and wild stuff, as Johnny Carson would say on occasion.
  12. That's cool. Wish I could go, but I'll be there in spirit. Let's get a ring, Big Red!!!
  13. AuroranHusker


    I think Britt Prince can be Nebraska's big-time talent, a la Jordan Hooper. And, generally speaking, I never said a coach had to be a national title winner to be considered a great coach, I just disagreed with the notion that Blunder's career necessitated that Osborne ought to be her comparison. Maybe PU's Gene Keady ought to have been the comparable coach to Iowa's...
  14. Depends on what makes anyone "Gone?" because a lot of ppl are 'gone' in the off-season, it seems....
  15. That was funny !
  16. I barely recall the context of my quoted comment, I think that was in regard to the 2 & 3, IIRC...
  17. Sweep and hope that the Boiler turds can take 1.
  18. AuroranHusker


    Blunder isn't all that, she had some great players late but could never get 'over the proverbial hump' like a great coach would do. She was a dirtbag, too.
  19. I mentioned this to a bunch of Iowegians that Clark would struggle mightily *early on* when the big dawgs get a hold of her in the league. They didn't believe me, lol.
  21. AuroranHusker


    Not in the vein of Dr. Tom Osborne, not even close. But I understand the general idea, Blunder got as far as she could go.... it's not the same as winning 3 of 4 titles in my book. And that's a wild scenario: let's win 1, first. ONE GAME!
  22. I said this earlier in the off-season, get all lefty's and 1 sharp-shooting righty. It will throw everyone off, lol.
  23. AuroranHusker


    I read it just fine, I disagreed with the basic premise of what's "on top," that's all. She tried, almost got there, but still didn't.
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