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Everything posted by AuroranHusker

  1. Yep, our game plan could have worked out, but it didn't. Tomorrow, they'll throw up bricks.... Sent from my SM-A426U using Tapatalk
  2. That's a good one tonight. In Memphis it wasn't. Hope remains. GBR Always. Next year for Nebrasketball, and maybe this season for Nebraseball.
  3. I left the arena optimistic, both Keisei and Josiah were crying in the last minutes. They cared. Just talked with J-Law and I can certainly tell that he freakin' cares. I know the Hoibergs will bring this program much success, they're committed to making it happen. Need a guard like A&M had in spades, tbh. Tough way to give up 98 in back-to-back game after being relatively good defensively most of the season. There were prior occasions when they weren't, named Minny the 1st time & the CU game, of course. GBR Always.
  4. NU fans tried to bring the energy, it just wasn't meant to be. Just talked with J-Law and told him how proud we are of him. Even gave him a hug. That kid is very cordial and a nice fellow as well. I'm happy to root for these guys, who seemed to genuinely love one another. GBR Always.
  5. Good to hear, honestly. GBR!!
  6. Good deal for Amy. GBR!! I'd say the same for Freddy. Sent from my SM-A426U using Tapatalk
  7. And, Fred Hoiberg is 4-4. Sent from my SM-A426U using Tapatalk
  8. Yes. Sent from my SM-A426U using Tapatalk
  9. Found it, my internet was failing earlier. Amazing how much we rely on it in 2024... sheesh! 3-1 Big Red. Huskers are 15-5. Opponent 5-15. Symmetry. https://huskers.com/news/2024/03/20/walsh-deals-gem-in-win-vs-bison
  10. @throwback provides the best info, I don't even look *any* where else, tbh.
  11. I suppose so. We'll likely never know the entirety of his situation, because I'd imagine he's a spectator this weekend, and then we shall see where he lands next.
  12. Nothing's off the table.... such a weird situation with Trev's rules for Nebrasketball. I wonder if Rhule's team had this same scrutiny.... hmmm.
  13. I'm commenting on normalcy in general.... but, yeah, Ramel typically does weird stuff.
  14. If NU has to settle for Frankie in a final slot on the roster, I'd feel pretty darn good about the rest of NU's team. He's a great character kid who knows how to make winning plays. I think he's interested in March Madness as a 'final year' destination.
  15. Nebraska rebounds the rock, both ends, doesn't get in foul trouble, gets out in transition and makes some threes, say by Brice, J-Law & CJ (*since Keisei will be locked down*) and I feel like this could end up as is a TxAgs BEAT-DOWN!!! Like how Indiana was treated in Minny!!! GBR!!!
  16. Such a good vibration, such a sweet sensation. . . NEBRASKETBALL, LET'S DO THIS, BIG RED!!!
  17. It's not the worst endorsement, "Doc's Talk" Rob Zatechka puts up with Mr. Justice..... *shrugs*
  18. Is that the truth?! Just saw your comment, and I have thought that no fewer than 12 times this season.... I used to hate that dude, but suddenly he's in love with Nebrasketball. Well, it's because Nebrasketball is a legit team, now, lol.
  19. Okay, I wondered that. I was listening to them for Grambling-Montana St. Nice duo & Rothstein loves him some Keisei Tominaga, expect a good feature on KT30!!
  20. Funny, since you're the 3rd one to post that... so, would that be strike 3?!
  21. Who's calling the game, do you know h4l?
  22. I am so jacked, I just booked my trip to see that formidable first NCAA win in Memphis with my bro, and we go to all the games together at PBA!!!!! I will *NOT* sleep until Monday!!!!!! GBR!!!!!!
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