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Everything posted by Huskerpapa

  1. Welp...we missed a couple bunnies, gave up a lot of 3's, some offense boards; but are kinda hanging in there. After the first several minutes, we sort of hung right with them.
  2. We (DW) playing pretty well at this moment. They are hammering their 3's tonight.
  3. Hey...we are looking better. We all see you DW...
  4. Lol...I was sort of hoping we could score 40 as a team.
  5. ...and Blaise has lost ALL/ANY confidence he may have had. He looks totally lost.
  6. We very well may set records of ineptitude tonight. And yes, I am serious.
  7. I wonder what percentage of our shots clank off of the bsck rim.
  8. I hope the officials let the players play.
  9. Good lord. So are you saying we have a chance???
  10. Actually both Moe and Barry resigned. But the point remains valid.
  11. Frank made a tactical error retaining certain assistants that had lost their motivation to be all-around coaches. By the time that was realized, and changes were made, Frank was a goner. I also understand that a couple off the field issues also played a part.
  12. Amen!
  13. What should occur when your team is proficient with the 3-point shot is that driving lanes open up for your slashers and the post players have greater freedom in the paint. We lost some of that slashing ability when Allison went down AND Sam not 100% recovered from ACL.
  14. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0nsSYDLAzHdYZBdhF5PL8DRBBr5YTcab2A15ghKVhC3rDHMn9r2UVBJJohBNkFcCjl&id=100000184558179&sfnsn=mo&mibextid=RUbZ1f
  15. He is out for the Purdue game.
  16. Not to be argumentative, but not everyone agrees it was the right thing. His legs were cut from beneath him prior to his final year...just saying. That said, I drooled like a teething 2 year old when Fred was hired.
  17. Back home...nicely done. Great effort!
  18. Yup. I agree. In today's world, perhaps the toughest thing to build is depth. Players can easily transfer for perceived greener pastures if playing time, et al, is not satisfactory. Then if injuries occur, there can be a pretty drastic drop-off. To be one of the top schools, you have to find a way to build depth in both the front and back court. Or you better hope your team stays injury free. This season, this team faces that double whammy. We did not have sufficient depth, and then came serious injuries.
  19. This is a tough year. Injuries in addition to an overall lack of numbers are taking a toll.
  20. Not having the students back hurts attendance as well as the overall vibe. I actually thought that the crowd attempted to get "into" the game on multiple occasions; but the superb play of Illinois, the subpar husker performance and the heavy dose of the referees whistles kept fan enthusiasm at bay.
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