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Everything posted by nuled2dance

  1. Doubt we win that as they are legit.....they are also pissed at the sheep who have knocked them
  2. Eating mybiwn words I'm still sick over that and Penn state
  3. Loved his answer....come after his team and his guys like everyone did pre-season and continue to ask questions....he and this team gave them all a big middle finger salute last night.
  4. Who cares we don't live in the past we are focused on the future...would a...could a shoulda....team isn't dwelling on nor should you. Friday is all that matters....and I mean this comment as a husker hoops central brother not a jerk way;) Gbr!
  5. Yea when you listen to it he is just a frustrated coach after a loss. I liked his response to if we were an NCAA team
  6. Tai and nates dance moves are deluxe via twitter
  7. I wouldn't mind an 8/9....end of today a shot at a 1 with this team having zero expectations for the year would be awesome...do we really care? Just tet in and let's see what happens
  8. Moving on up
  9. Go Ryan an idiot He and burr get F's from me
  10. I'm just still in a daze after last night...such a blast
  11. Not a bad writer...that timing of the question was poor. I have more media ties in my famikybthan the owh put together and all of you combined. More prime time media including sports. Sent that to them this morning. That question not the right time...not a bad question but better serve for a Monday/Tuesday press conference not after the biggest win in husker hoops in the last decade in change. Dirk was wrong with his timing still a reall decent reoirter just had bad timing
  12. Team looked like they had been through a battle and a court storm...so proud of them...congrats to peltz as well!
  13. Just awesome to see us not on first four out or last four in finally. Fun times
  14. Walking out of the arena was awesome...got misty seeing the railyard fired up after the win was awesome felt like a big husker football win
  15. Just win .....if Benny gets it done we go. Need tai though in the tourney he has played better lately...tonight Benny was good
  16. Just in awe of tonight
  17. Tim laid the hammer on dirk!
  18. The 89 year old man who stood is the man!!!
  19. Dirk shitstain
  20. Great board!
  21. That guy is the man my feet hurt and I 30!!!
  22. I'm so tired lol
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