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Everything posted by nuled2dance

  1. Yep beat providence
  2. 93.7 is better than the garbage 1620 has on from2-6
  3. Lol scarily the three of us are usually on the same page. I feel we need a juco quality pg and one experienced big man. I winder who is available...
  4. Good shape
  5. Nc state will be a great #1 seed in the NIT
  6. This should be a market we watch closely
  7. They will get in...I may tweet some hate to lunardi
  8. Georgia looks tired early
  9. Just enjoy your day today...worrying is for uneducated fans. If you know anything about basketball we will be fine....unless upset city happens
  10. I would think rivers or pitch should in bound...taller good passers...give everyone else a better chance to ball handle
  11. UCLA and vcu I'd like to avoid
  12. Love coach miles and this team. Absolutely so freaking proud of them and the position we are in. Do I want to play today you bet. I was so mad yesterday with the loss but I also know the players and coaches were even more pissed. Should be a great growing experience and will make this team stronger. This team should never have even been in this position this year but they blocker out the haters and got here. Need to work on press break, rebounding and just being smarter to not pick up cheap fouls. We do that and not have Jim burr officiate our games we will be OK! Let's enjoy today doing other things and cone back for tomorrow and see what happens. GBR!
  13. Boise state loses and ends their drive for a bid
  14. It happens but when you have palm and lunardi plus 99% of bracketoligists still having us in tonight.....plus their inside sources they will plan
  15. Kendall Williams of new mexico needs to learn to make free throws
  16. I stand by the fact that if lunardi has us in and Jerry palm has us in as a 10....we are in pretty good shape. Palm is the CBS guy whose network puts in the tourney.
  17. Stanford is in already no influence...Boise only down 3
  18. Does Mac and cuss get more than one in? Some brutal RPI and sos for toledo....wmich...LA tech and tulsa
  19. They took out Minnesota for us keep coming badgers
  20. Indeed...need duke to take out ncstate..not have st bon with the their tourney...have creightonbeat providence....and have Boise state lose tonight. We are in right now and have a little room not much. Just would not be good to see Boise state, nc state or st bonnie snag bids
  21. Yes he seems to think we are in...lunardia has us as last four in.
  22. Ole miss gone.....Georgia gets another win cant be bad for us they were a good win earlier
  23. Clemson and unlv gone
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