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Everything posted by Silverbacked1

  1. He was #93 on the video right? He only set some screens and threw the ball away and had a smaller guy muscle him out for a rebound. However #77 did a couple of things that were nice, also hustled.
  2. Well we had better weather for him.
  3. Is there any back doors that might just be unlocked? Just asking cause I might have to deliver something there and since I would be in the building... you know.
  4. The Huskers, THEY are going to surprise many this year. Besides us of course.
  5. JX one I jbcsvhvsahcn or the site formally known as The Devaney Dungeon. Hey it worked for Prince for awhile.
  6. With Tai here and IF we got the two other Aussies we could be the Southern Cross, don't want to say the Land Down Under because that wouldn't be for Tai, I think? If we got the 2 Aussies and with Tai and Serg we could be the United Nations. Still working on something better.
  7. On paper I would have to say yes. But will know more at the end of the season, to see how we play it out.
  8. Jimmy that is too funny, so funny that I pushed the wrong button. Quick somebody push the f###ing button to equal it out please. I have a love/hate thing going on with my iPad.
  9. How about this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2HrBcGvGYg
  10. Okay cip what song? I have an idea will do it after supper.
  11. Get out the hip waders, it is going to be deep and you don't want it in your clothes.
  12. Maybe it is just a clever ploy to get the heat off of the team and other coaches and make this week a mass tweeter fight between the Change/no change camps.
  13. That is why I was saying Devil's advocate. I think, feel...hope that he just comes here and says so soon. Would make me very happy.
  14. Lets be honest. If things go right for Elbert, he's going to play in the NBA. He's one of a dying breed--the true center. He will get a chance on an NBA roster on size and athleticism alone. He's as close to a shoe-in for the league as you can get if he's able to avoid major injury, participate in a collegiate strength and conditioning program, and develop his game some along the way. He can do that anywhere. Do you guys think it matters that Georgetown is "Big Man U"? Sure they have a history of developing NBA big men. But a lot of that has to do with 1) getting those top caliber bigs in the first place and 2) exposure. Big East exposure for those players on the east coast was huge. The Big East was the premier league for years. That's not true anymore and you can argue that a B1G player is going to have equal or greater exposure than a player in the new Big East. The focal point of all those big time programs on the east coast used to be the Big East with all programs competing in one league. Now the Big East is watered down and with Syracuse, Pitt going to the ACC, the attention of that region is divided. If I can play Devil's advocate. Ohio State has had as good of a run on big men lately. About the same if not better than G-Town during the last few years. Therefore I will be more worried about his trip to OSU than the trip he already took to G-Town.
  15. I'm not going to get " wet my pants " excited about that tweet. But... I maybe I'll get " smiling really big " excited about that tweet.
  16. Excellent post, will always STAY and cheer for the KIDS. They are the ones working and I'm not going to disrespect that. I no longer worry about wins and loses, just if they played hard. Seemed give the effort Saturday just didn't have all their ducks in a row so that effort allowed them to compete.
  17. I too liked what this kid would have brought. But wish him well.
  18. Comes out right after White to Georgetown. So does this mean anything?
  19. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1MWq6L19eNo&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1MWq6L19eNo Hope this works and answers your question dimes.
  20. As somebody else stated earlier, he was afraid he would mistaken for all the other 7'1" 309 lbs 18 year olds standing on the sidelines
  21. Look like winners to me!!!
  22. After looking at that picture I now know that I am not over weight. No I am under tall. And yes I think we could use somebody like this on our team.
  23. Okay now I need to change my mind because creighton fan agrees with me.:|
  24. Have to agree, we aren't going to have some kid in, on our dime that we don't want to offer and have him come now.
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