Lets be honest. If things go right for Elbert, he's going to play in the NBA. He's one of a dying breed--the true center. He will get a chance on an NBA roster on size and athleticism alone. He's as close to a shoe-in for the league as you can get if he's able to avoid major injury, participate in a collegiate strength and conditioning program, and develop his game some along the way. He can do that anywhere. Do you guys think it matters that Georgetown is "Big Man U"? Sure they have a history of developing NBA big men. But a lot of that has to do with 1) getting those top caliber bigs in the first place and 2) exposure. Big East exposure for those players on the east coast was huge. The Big East was the premier league for years. That's not true anymore and you can argue that a B1G player is going to have equal or greater exposure than a player in the new Big East. The focal point of all those big time programs on the east coast used to be the Big East with all programs competing in one league. Now the Big East is watered down and with Syracuse, Pitt going to the ACC, the attention of that region is divided.
If I can play Devil's advocate. Ohio State has had as good of a run on big men lately. About the same if not better than G-Town during the last few years.
Therefore I will be more worried about his trip to OSU than the trip he already took to G-Town.