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Everything posted by Silverbacked1

  1. So you guys are saying that Gesell didn't have a Norte Dame themed basement and that Bob Davies didn't get cable hooked up here in Lincoln? Wow am I shocked.
  2. Well they turned the lights out and had little "N" turning red and white on the court. And they let out a bunch of smoke about 25 min. before tip. So I wouldn't say they did nothing. . But it was as close to nothing as possible. At one point I thought that they might just be doing what we will have Friday And was thinking this ain't gonna cut it.
  3. We do need to replace Kye you know.
  4. Even if there were other boards that were remotely close to hoping to be as good as this one, I wouldn't go to them. It would be kind of like cheating on my wife. Because I really like this site and wouldn't to do anything that would cause me to be kicked to the curb. Like I would if I ever did anything like that in real life.
  5. I'm eating with my family before the game but will be at a bar beforehand with shirts for people that ordered them that will also be there earlier. I'm thinking N-Zone unless anyone has any better suggestions. Will see you there with cash in hand.
  6. As my son said last night as we were leaving, "quietest 91 points I have ever heard". Crowd was there to be there nothing more, than less. And I think Fuller could redshirt, JUST to allow him to grow some. That way if his shot has disappeared a bit he doesn't have to feel that added pressure. I think some, myself included, thought he is that 3point guy who doesn't miss. Heck a year ago he was playing in a high school gym, now he is shooting in a huge barn. He will be fine. It will just take some time.
  7. Wait was that a Noah sighting? . Good to hear from you big guy.
  8. Fuller had the deer in the head lights look a little bit. But his stroke at the line was pure, so it is there he will find it. We will be very sad to see him graduate in 4 or 5 years. He also did other things well. Nice reverse lay up and had a good put back. His three attempts weren't a thing of beauty but he did get 10 and 6. If you didn't see the three point shots you would have thought things went well for him. AND WE GOT RUNZAS DAMN IT, THAT IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT YOU KNOW.
  9. The most important thing about tonight was.... FREE RUNZAS
  10. Okay now I am ready. NU 78 FGCU 70 And we have more dunks! I love me that kool-aide, baby!
  11. Could be a fun time had by all!
  12. NU- 64 UNK-48 Will do FGCU after I see how we look tonight. This is my preseason pick.
  13. Well at least we didn't drop any.
  14. GREATEST THING EVER!!!! could use more cow bell though.
  15. Had to get the Mello Mushroom before the crowd you know.
  16. You must be married huh?
  17. 100 pound dumb bells, very impressive.
  18. Wait, what? You mean the guy with the most points doesn't win?
  19. Being faceless and in a crowd is so much easier to say and do things than it is in a face to face setting. The internet itself has really shown how the crowd mentality works. It is so easy to bitch and moan and call other names if they will never know who I am. Heck I know I say some things on here that I would never say in "real" life. I think that is what has happened. I know that there have been people who have bitched and moaned about the huskers for years, but the internet has allowed them a bigger forum to vent. And some times it can even be somebody from another team just stirring the pot, heaven for bid.. message boards remind me of the scene from The Holy Grail where they are trying to prove that "she's a witch"
  20. Too many games. You can almost be 500 in your league and still get to the big dance and then you never know what could happen. Look at FGC.
  21. 17 and the final four of the NIT.
  22. Jimmy it is in the bag. No way the cards win two in Boston. and this coming from a Yankees fan.
  23. Okay now that I'm seeing everybody getting parking passes, do I need one to park in the new northwest lot that isn't open yet? Cause if I do I guess I had better be calling the ticket office.
  24. Easily the best player on that court by a large margain. Looked very smooth.
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