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Everything posted by Silverbacked1

  1. There were a ton of drunk Jays fans at the Bob last year. Had a run in with 5 getting into their limo. One wanted to fight my son because my son told him to shut and go home. They were yelling about how their basketball win was like Wisconsin beating us in the Big 12 championship football game. They all backed up pretty quickly when his two brothers, a friend and I stepped up,to ask what the problem was. We even had a kid who was walking by asking if we needed any help. Had to laugh. they back tracked pretty quickly when I asked if there was a problem that needed to be taken care of.
  2. It all wouldn't be possible without the rise of the Huskers and the Student Section. Both have stepped up their game. Now it's time for the rest of us. Plus 100.
  3. The hunter has become the hunted. Kind of like this feeling.
  4. What we got coming in for half time this week?
  5. Did anybody else get a pm from him? That was a little bit weird.
  6. True and I hope our boys have this tacked up on every bodies iPad on locker so that they see what can happen if you don't work hard all the time.
  7. Saw that, hope our boys read that so it doesn't happen to us.
  8. And if they would have called a different game in our two loses in Carolina we would be 33-6 and looking at a what... 3 seed? Or if we would have went to a different tournament at all... okay I won't go there.
  9. How about GOOFBALL? Would you go for GOOFBALL? Goofball... has a nice ring to it. My wife's pet name for me is dumb ass so that kind of tells ya something.
  10. It is just getting better and better. Better get my women season tickets before it is too late, cause we are going to be good for a lonnnnnnnnng time.
  11. Hey I am not an IDIOT. maybe a moron or a half wit but NOT AN IDIOT SIR,!!!
  12. Does he have Notre Dame memorabilia in his parent's basement? No but he has an Iowa themed dorm room.
  13. Welcome home. I think you are going to like it, like it a lot.
  14. Stands on its own now. No football backers get basketball seats like at the Bob. I remember last year when they had one of the look at the model/talk to somebody about seats get togethers. I overhear this older lady who was not happy that her husband and her would not be getting seats because they gave a lot to football. The poor girl who was talking to them was really getting an earful about how that was wrong because they gave a lot of money to the football program and that they should get something in return. I wanted to kick her in her old fat butt.
  15. Kearney said it was a waste.
  16. Who instead then? We are waiting for who we should be talking to, according to you.
  17. Hell I'm nervous for Penn. State. I get nervous when we play Doane or Peru or etc...
  18. It's like trying to talk with a rock ain't it?
  19. Norm found some good articles on this last year. Maybe if you ask him nicely he can dig them up to help you with your questions.
  20. We could chant PBA but people might think we are chanting PBR and that we really want beer instead.
  21. Time to be like we are from Sparta!!! School, practice, eat, sleep. Nothing else.
  22. Who instead then?
  23. Bumping this up. Just got an idea for the other teams intro, basketball only, got it from the LJS article. How about we yell "Us Always" instead of "Husker Power" ? Could change it every year to what the teams theme is. Just something to think about.
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