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Mr. Red

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Everything posted by Mr. Red

  1. Finally some love for my boy here
  2. https://www.poem-generator.org.uk/?i=2nys8lxn Basketball - A Haiku by Mr. Red Auspicious leaping A pro, new basketball wins on the victory
  3. That's how in interpret it
  4. You forgot Dwyane Wade
  5. I feel like I just sat through your therapy session!
  6. If you're going to use a "German" Emperor named Frederick, at least use the best one ↓↓↓↓↓
  7. But then, you can't leave out Freddy's brother, Lon
  8. I could have swore someone on this board actually used to have a Freddy Krueger avatar, but I can't remember
  9. I love his Documentary Now! show
  10. You're fighting the good fight. Stay vigilant.
  11. I don't have near as many years as some of you, but I still can't believe this is happening. Waiting for someone to pinch me
  12. The huge upgrade in talent that Miles brought in really sticks out to me. And it's not the star rankings or the stats they produced. At some point a couple of years ago, I just had this sudden realization durring a game of , "Wow we have 5 guys on the floor right now that all dunk regularly and can throw it down with authority" That's the simple little thing that drove it home for me. All through the 2000's we never really had more than a small handfull of guys per team that could/would/wanted to throw it down regularly.
  13. If there's any chance of Fred being lured away (ie no ink on paper yet) then the contract and announcement needs to happen ASAP. If we are in zero danger of losing him were a "better" job come available in the next few days, then I agree, announce it next week to honor Fred's time off, and time the announcement for maximum media buzz/timing
  14. Seems like 'inappropiate contact' just waiting to happen. But I don't know the rules very will
  15. Ah HHC... It seems like just yesterday we had our pitchforks and torches ready about the Bill Moos trip for his sons spring game at Cal. Not calling anyone out or stirring things up, it's just interesting to see how the interests of one's son are perceived, even thought the situations are both very similar and very different!
  16. As did I... @Hoiball are we talking about breaking the bank or breaking the rules?
  17. From Tom Shatel's article this morning in the OWH: Boehm is not the problem. He’s also not the solution. The problem is thinking that Boehm is the problem. The assistant A.D. in charge of basketball is not the difference in chasing NCAA tourney wins and Final Fours. He doesn’t recruit or call a set. Handing him the tab for losing is a sign of not caring enough. Now, wouldn’t it help to have a real basketball guy — former coach or player — in that job? Yes, yes it would. That’s why whoever the new coach is, he should be allowed to pick the assistant A.D. for basketball. Nebraska football coaches have done it for years. Interesting take here from the media. One of the reporters asked Moos a question regarding Boehm during the press conference and Moos deflected it with a joke. So I feel pretty sure that Boehm isn't going to be fired.... but could his responsibilities be shuffled and Moos and Hoiberg together bring in someone of their choosing to handle more intimate matters with basketball?
  18. This echos my feelings on the situation 100%
  19. Dang it now I have eraser smudges all over my HHC transgressions notebook...
  20. WOO PIG!!
  21. I can't listen at work so thank you for the live updates!!
  22. Considering his assumed new job, wouldn't 'good for us' and 'good for him' be the same thing?
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