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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. They played the Student Union back in the mid-80’s…!
  2. Listening to the Ben Johnson show NOW, rescheduling & even playing this game is far from a certainty. It will have to involve a 3rd team (Nebraska?) able to move a game as well, since we still have both ahead of us…
  3. Are we busting out the Black Uniforms tonight? They have yet to make an appearance this year & Hey it’s Valentine’s Day…!
  4. The Super Bowl was yesterday? I forgot I was too busy watching the Longhorn Network.
  5. It wasn’t an Ego driven or On Field Performance issue. Those are petty reasons that play absolutely NO factor. It’s about Texas joining OUR Conference then trying to dictate terms both large & small moving forward.
  6. When renegotiating the Big XII TV contract back in 2010 Texas said, We’ll get 25 million, NU/OU you can have TWENTY & everyone else gets 15. That’s when T.O. wisely sought out greener pastures. Also in the last year of the Big 8 Conference we had the National Champions in Football, Volleyball & the Runner Up in Men’s Basketball. We certainly didn’t need Texas to keep us afloat, but since the B1G had just added Penn St & the SWC was falling apart it seemed prudent at the time.
  7. Hear me out, I haven’t been locked in a dark room for 4 days or taken mushrooms, you really only have to beat ONE Good team to get to the Final, & we can certainly do that. The opening games will be in our weight class & if there’s an upset on the other side you have beat an Illinois or Michigan on a Neutral Court to advance. Not saying it’s likely, but it’s NOT ARog on Horsepills crazy. Look at 2019…
  8. Well, I’m going to go ahead & say it: Depending on the draw we get in the Tourney, the New Rotations, a Healthy Blaise paired up with Derrick on his Farewell Tour, Purdue vs NU for the B1G Tournament Title is all too REAL!
  9. I hope Rhiannon plays the “Milkshake” song…
  10. I’m ready to go to War with Derrick-Blaise- Sam G- Keisa- Lawrence in Piscataway on Tuesday night…!
  11. Q: How do you spot a Wisconsin Man in the Twin Cities for the weekend? A: He has on a Brand New Shirt & a Brand New Five Dollar Bill & doesn’t change either one the whole time he’s there.
  12. If you’re that unfamiliar with recent history I can’t really help you.
  13. Nice work Texas, you ruined the Big 8 AND the Big XII.
  14. Hey I’m onboard don’t get me wrong, I just couldn’t pass up a cheap shot at ARog & his descent into psychedelics & light deprivation. That being said, it ALL starts with a Win on Saturday!
  15. You might be taking some of the same stuff ARog is during his “4 days of darkness”…
  16. The next THREE Home games better be “W”s
  17. If yer on the WRONG end of a 30-5 run in the first half, you better pack up the Women & Children.
  18. It’s worth mentioning in light of last nights events, that Lew Alcindor went 88-2 @ UCLA winning 3 National Titles before Freshman were allowed to play. #Lakeshow
  19. Wilhelm looks like he’s REALLY “pressing” cuz he knows he’s on a short leash. This was especially evident when just let the Ball fly away from him without a defender nearby. I’m hoping he can get himself squared away mentally, but I’m not optimistic.
  20. It’s easy to forget that the Fab Five did NOT Win a Title & Howard had the least impressive NBA career of the Big 3 (Rose & Webber the other 2) Take the Huskers & the points…!
  21. Yes. When Gary & Bando went down I assumed the team would go belly up & feel sorry for themselves. Fred’s revamped the Roster on the fly, starting the Frosh & Keisa, bringing Sam H. off the bench, while using C.J. & Air BnB judiciously. I’m impressed, this season has a REAL chance of ending on a High Note.
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