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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. Would you rather be from Funk Nebraska or Athol Kansas…?
  2. We’re clearly the most dangerous 11 Win Team that NOBODY wants to play…
  3. They’ve NEVER won a game @ the PBA & if this sad sack Goldy Team is the one to do it, I’ll never be able to show my face in Mpls again…
  4. I don’t see any reason we can’t get THREE Wins out of the next 5. Michigan certainly isn’t unbeatable & those home games are manageable. Just please, please don’t lose to Minnesota…
  5. I don’t think they know how to make it up to 320.
  6. Oh Yeah, I’ve had a Season Ticket for 5 years now.
  7. If I hadn’t seen it in person I wouldn’t have believed it, just Wow
  8. I wish the Old Man could suit up, you KNOW he can still stroke it…!
  9. Wonder if we’ll see Sam x2 in the Starting Lineup again today…?
  10. Handing out Blackshirts to the Basketball Team tells you where their priorities lie & where their heads at.
  11. Starting Five: Greisel Trey Bryce Walker Johnson
  12. What if Trey & Bryce would’ve stayed too…? You might not have gotten Emmanuel, but Sam still would’ve come.
  13. If only it were that simple. The grass is always Greener is easier in Theory than Practice. Minnesota was sick of Richard Pitino & thought they could/should do BETTER. Now look where they’re at… I’m still willing, his awful record aside, to Ride with Fred one more time.
  14. I’d say it’s easier to get 3 Starters/Impact Players from the portal with Fred here, than scrapping everything with a New Hire.
  15. They were referring to his propensity to throw up an Air Ball, but with his Woody Harrelson like hops your interpretation works too.
  16. His nickname at a local watering hole is “AIR BnB”…
  17. Illinois was begging us to BEAT them, but we have such a limited arsenal they were able to withstand our flimsy barrage…
  18. Why can’t WE ever have anything Nice …???
  19. There’s a Bar in Champaign called O’Malley’s where every night at Midnight they play Don McClean’s “American Pie” & the regulars lock arms, sing along & add their own profane words to the chorus. Here’s hoping the Huskers rain on that tradition tomorrow…
  20. FT at Half, Maryland 13-13, Nebraska 0-1
  21. Frost inherited a BAD program & kept it that way. Fred inherited the opposite & it was historically BAD immediately. Now we’re in a Catch-22 where the status quo is awful but familiar & the “unknown” of a new hire could be worse. It’s definitely not for everybody…
  22. No it’s me too. We won 22 then 19 games & suddenly that wasn’t “good enough.” Tim actually accomplished something Tubby Smith NEVER did, post a Winning B1G Conference record.
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