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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. As long as we have 5 guys out there who can knock down shots, all of it is really just conversation...
  2. I'd forgotten Fuller was still on the team, all we do is win is win though, ALL we do is win!
  3. These type of games give you a chance to experiment with different line-ups, McVeigh might start on Friday.
  4. Will the starters of : White Webster Watson Morrow Shields Be the same starters for the regular season opener? I would be very surprised if it was anything different...
  5. Imagine Jordan, Bird or Magice sitting at a podium after a Playoff loss ( a LOSS) and bragging about how they're the Greatest Player in the World.
  6. For the sake of argument, who was the best Team the Bulls beat to win a Title? I'll say the '91 Lakers with Magic, Worthy and Sam. Maybe the '93 Suns with Barkley and KJ. Any team with Greg Ostertag ('97-'98 Jazz) doesn't count.
  7. That's some impressive recall my man. That's back when Freddie Banks picked UNLV over the Big Red, and yes, welcome to the board!
  8. More food for thought, while LeBron has played for 5 straight titles, name the best team from the East he defeated to get there. Was it the Bulls with a banged up Rose? An aging Celtics squad? or Paul George and the Pacers? None of those teams are historically good and in fact are probably only above average. It's important to keep things in perspective when the superlatives start to fly...
  9. I read this and think of the Eddie Albert line from the "Longest Yard" when he played the Warden. "That has to be the biggest crock of Horses**t I've ever heard in my life".
  10. This wasn't meant to be a Lebron rant, but histrionics demand a response. Is he one of the best to ever play the game? Absolutely. I grow weary though of the endless "Best Ever" talk, especially since it will always be SO subjective. That being said, I can think of 5 players off the top of my head who were better, Magic-Kareem-Shaq-Kobe-Jordan. Don't fall into the trap of believing that whatever is happening NOW is bigger and better than anything preceding it. That's pure fallacy.
  11. The man has never gotten into legal trouble or had a scandal, despite being in the national spotlight since he was in high school. By all accounts he's highly intelligent, an active father, and an overall solid role model. Compare that with the average professional athlete today who does far worse while under a much smaller microscope. And you want to complain about a one-hour TV broadcast, which he agreed to do in exchange for raising $6 million for charity? It always amazes me how many sports fans are able to separate on- and off-field performance for everyone other than LeBron. They can literally cheer for criminals, and yet hold a grudge against a guy for a couple arrogant statements made five years ago. Being a good Father, staying out of jail, and not beating your wife is what you're SUPPOSED to do, and shouldn't be overly celebrated. He's freakishly athletic, big, but I've always considered him an average shooter and highly overrated. I hope the Warriors take 'em in 4.
  12. Can you name the 3 Cornhuskers who played for Golden St.? If you guessed Dave Hoppen, Tony Farmer, and Mikki Moore you'd be right. I am rooting for the Warriors (always had a soft spot, Keith Wilkes ya know) plus I've NEVER been a LeBron fan and that was only cemented by the "Decision". High profile free agents have been switching teams for years and never had a TV show and bragged about 8 Titles when they haven't won one. I know it's a reflection of the times, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
  13. Where's all the Debbie Downers who thought he might be gone during the midst of last season? We're lucky as hell to have both Tim and Connie. They bring a level of credibility to each program that is that is hard to put a price on.
  14. Never saw the kid play, but he struck me as a pretty "soft" commit from the beginning anyway. Would prefer to avoid the JUCO route as much as possible and start pulling talent out of Chicago, Florida, etc. In Miles we trust!
  15. It's all so, so fleeting and frail. As John Lennon once said, "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans".
  16. That's WAY too much love for Michigan, especially if we steal the big dopey white guy that lit us up last year.
  17. As surprisingly BAD as we were last season, maybe the Basketball Gods will smile on the Harvard of the Plains and this season will be a reasonable facsimile of the 13/14 season... pretty please
  18. That poll is obviously skewed by a bunch of drunkards from Barrio's...
  19. Is it just me, or do we always seem to get the sucka** match ups? I wasn't expecting Duke, but even Clemson would be better than this re-run.
  20. Too bad the best thing about Moses WAS his nickname...
  21. These guys don't have funny names, but the were sweet ball players for ISU. The first ever Husker game I attended was against ISU when their STAR was Barry Stevens, which led to Jeff Grayer, to a portly Victor Alexander and then some kid from Ames they called "the Mayor"
  22. I once graded standardized reading tests for Alabama 4th graders. The students were asked to read a paragraph, then answer 4 -5 questions. They were graded on a 1 to 5 scale, with 5 being the highest. If you marked on the paper, as in scribbled on it, you got a 1. The Alabama state average was, wait for it........ a TWO
  23. Nice one Silver, I like it. Just an FYI, Lafester Rhodes once scored 54 points in a game for the Cyclones...
  24. The Bench: LaFester Rhodes - Iowa St. Askia Jones - Kansas St. Billy Law - Colorado Scooter McCray - Louisville Yogi Ferrell - Indiana
  25. That Nuggets team with English, Issel and Vandeweghe is the only team to ever have 3 players average at least 20 points a game. Also, the Nuggets played in 5 of the Top Ten scoring contests of All-time, with the #1 game being a triple overtime thriller against the Pistons on 12/13/83. The Final: 186 -184
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