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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. Only 5 more Days of hearing how we’ve NEVER Won a Tournament Game.
  2. Now is when ALL that Hard Work Pays Off. No Need for any “Bulletin Board” material or Administrative distractions in Lincoln, Fred will have them Dialed In.
  3. That’s the place to go, ask for Adrian he’s the President of MN4NE & tell him the Sergeant of Arms sent you.
  4. I’d highly recommend checking out the Monte Carlo, it’s an old school Bar/Supper Club in the Warehouse District off of downtown.
  5. The B1G “Pocket Protectors” would rather chew on fiberglass than give the Big Red the Praise we SO Richly Deserve. Just an Addendum: the Mpls Star Tribune listed 10 Players to watch in this Weekend’s Tournament. NOT one of them from Nebraska.
  6. If you asked the B1G Coaches who they feared the MOST, Tominaga is the name you would hear.
  7. A Tournament Win could get you a 5-12 Matchup Tho.
  8. A Victory over Goldy the Gopher that I watched amongst a LOT of long faces at the Edina Country Club.
  9. I’d Love to Re-Watch Chad Gallagher & Bob Harstad take a 40 point A** Whuppin at the Bob Devaney back in ‘91.
  10. McHale is on the Mount Rushmore of Minnesota Sports Legends. Went to the same High School as Bob Dylan.
  11. They played these In House during the Player introductions. Very Powerful & Moving…
  12. Minnesota comes back from 20+ to Beat Penn St. on Senior Day at the Barn.
  13. For a little perspective, in over 100+ Years of Basketball we’ve Won 20 or more games only SEVEN times. I don’t think that Fact is getting enough Run. It might not mean what it once did, but I certainly won’t shrug it off like a run of the mill event.
  14. Black History Month Edition, I believe we’re 5-1 in those Bad Boys…!!!
  15. Kent getting choked up at the end of the Purdue game when recounting the ‘82 Mizzou upset was absolutely priceless & why he’s the BEST…!!!
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