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Everything posted by atskooc

  1. Kent just called me out on the air!!!!!!!! Woo-Hoo!!!!!
  2. I would very much like it if Webster and Shields were better shooters. Not that we haven't discussed this like crazy already.
  3. Agreed. Fuller's had quite a few minutes already. I'm ok with it, though. I like the kid.
  4. Color me not disappointed that Davison isn't doing color tonight. And it's damn good to hear Kent's voice again!
  5. I've got it on huskers.com as well, but it's not a great feed.
  6. He had some attention, but he told them no because he thought he'd play football. Folks stopped recruiting him, so the story goes.
  7. I'm sure lots of people have. But I doubt anyone here has. :)
  8. There's a lot to like! Wow!!!
  9. Thanks for the info...I didn't realize there was a separate set of rules.
  10. As soon as he takes foot on the court in a regular season game, his scholly becomes one for athletics rather than for academics. Does he still have to maintain his GPA? Because they're not going to commit a hoops scholarship to him for 4 years. And the Regents is gone if your cumulative GPA drops below a certain figure. I'm not sure how that part of it works. Good question.
  11. As soon as he takes foot on the court in a regular season game, his scholly becomes one for athletics rather than for academics.
  12. I like drinking beer and watching Nebrasketball.
  13. I love that the students get a chance to produce the broadcast! Very cool!
  14. Damn, it's good to see Nebrasketball on my TV again!
  15. WHOA!!! How is he able to make the ball float like that!?? Do, or do not; there is no try. Up arrow for the proper semicolon usage.
  16. In a simple sense, I'd rather not spend more than half of our games frustrated by our offense that doesn't seem to do anything but wait for the scorer to make a play. I will measure success this season by my frustration level with the offense (knowing we are young, of course).
  17. What I like about Fuller in the bit I've seen of him on the floor is his headiness. He moves without the ball and gets to the rim. Backdoor cuts for open looks are things I like, and I have a vivid picture of Fuller doing just that for an easy bucket. We haven't seen a lot of that from other guys the last couple of years. He's also not afraid to go after offensive rebounds, something else we haven't seen much of in the recent past. I'd like to see more of the kid, honestly. I think he has things to bring to the table other than a 3-point shot that may or may not be any good.
  18. Relatively slow, can't dribble, can't play guard, can't play power forward. Sounds like we should bring him in off the bench in garbage time. He can take the place of Trevor Menke, maybe. NO ONE TAKES THE PLACE OF TREVOR MENKE! Like you couldn't see that coming.
  19. I've been saying for years that NBA refs get fined for calling traveling. It's the only explanation that makes sense to me.
  20. To "be" or not to be...that is the question. Well played.
  21. maybe they could loosen them up some more next year and forget to lock the doors. That'd be cool.
  22. That's what I first noticed!
  23. I've got no problem with wanting to know. But saying the fans should know is out of line. Should we have known about TP's mother's cancer before he told us? It was certainly affecting the team's performance. But I suspect none among us thought he should have told us earlier simply because we're fans of the team.
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