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Jadler last won the day on February 7 2015

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  1. The collegebasketball subreddit thread was fucking gold. Salty Wisconsin fans everywhere.
  2. I came back just to bitch about that soft ass tech.
  3. That was a charge? lolwut?
  4. At least moving down to a better seat should be easy.
  5. Whoever the person is clapping near the microphone needs to stop. Sounds like the brick warning at the end of a boxing round.
  6. I was drunk mad at us losing. Then I was raging drunk mad that they stormed the court. Then I started laughing hysterically because someone actually stormed the court against us. I don't remember the rest of that day.
  7. Caleb Walker...dunking on Illi so hard they fired Bruce Weber and Meyers Leonard burst into tears.
  8. We were too afraid to try it last year with UNL's Not Here Not Now Not Ever or w/e campaign against racism. Just took the No Sit Sunday and promoted that instead.
  9. ...maybe if he tried Mustache March we'll run the table in the B1G tournament.
  10. Maryland does that about once a year and its always pretty impressive. In 2013 they pretty much dropped the mic against every student section...
  11. You aren't wrong.
  12. So far this season is the reality check, gut punch, cold shower that I thought I survived through in San Antonio but realized it's going to last much longer.
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