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Everything posted by REDZONEDAN

  1. I've already put in a request to a relative in Kansas for tickets next year. Seeing a game at Phog Allen would be bucket list material.
  2. I'm a big fan of both Benny and Shavon, and I'm glad they chose to spend their playing careers as Huskers. I'm going to miss them both and will wish them the best in their future paths.
  3. I really think it's going to come down to how the refs decide how they want to call this game. If Shields can drive and attack and get to the line, I think we win. If not, then we probably lose by 15. Unfortunately I just don't see the calls going in our favor.
  4. Hopefully the disappointment of these close losses this year will make this team hungry next year to learn how to finish these types of games. We're really not too far off from having 20 wins. Glad to see us fight back and not give up. Definitely going to miss Shavon next year.
  5. I saw Jack Mcveigh tweeted at Deng Gak. Curious if we've shown any interest in this kid.
  6. Thanks Norm. I'll try this out tonight.
  7. I'm sure this has been asked dozens of times on here, but how do you post a youtube video on here? Thanks in advance.
  8. Good chance I will be selling 3 tickets before the game.
  9. I like Nick and was saddened when I heard the news. Thoughts and prayers for him and his family as they go through this tough time.
  10. That would be nice.
  11. Why do teams continue to shoot so well from 3 against us? At some point that will end right?
  12. Just need some of our 3 pointers to drop. Should happen if we can keep White out of foul trouble.
  13. No kidding. I get sick of refs that have to make calls in favor of the home team. Just call the game fair on both sides.
  14. I hope Shavon hasn't played his last game as a Husker, as he is one of my all-time favorites, but if it's in his best interest to miss the rest of the season then that is what needs to be done. In the end basketball is just a game and his personal health and safety is more important.
  15. I'm not upset with how we played. We just don't have anyone to match up with their 7 footers. Hopefully we can get the big guy visiting next month to commit.
  16. Bruce Chubick gets my vote.
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