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Everything posted by jdw

  1. Glynn had 26 a d was the best player on the court
  2. Not saying I disagree but we do replace them with Iowa who is dog shit bad although I wouldn't be shocked if we lost to them
  3. My dream is Nebraska in the NCAA and Syracuse in the nit
  4. Good night to all and too all a good night unless you drink dehydrated milk
  5. Your friend would say that those numbers should make ten starters
  6. The only important question hoops legend has is if Patton goes pro after this year
  7. You said understand that is something he is clearly not capable of
  8. At least you had sound reasoning as opposed to a hoops legend post
  9. Hoops legend drinks dehydrated milk
  10. If Miles does not get fined in his post game interview I will be pissed
  11. I need more than 5 negative reps today the overreaction to one game which was the third in four days is mind numbing.
  12. Is there a way to go to the last new post instead of having to scroll down from the top of the page every time I opens thread
  13. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o8M430pxtww How does he think this will help with strength and conditioning
  14. 79 points per game sign me up
  15. Can I have Ade orJeter since they weren't d 1 Transfer's
  16. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.meme.am%2Finstances%2F500x%2F64480402.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmemegenerator.net%2Finstance%2F64480402&docid=YwLzpAeAMzelEM&tbnid=NWdai1PB4G_dQM%3A&w=431&h=352&hl=en-US&bih=800&biw=1280&ved=0ahUKEwiizP7HzvbMAhVJxYMKHTQYCYsQMwgfKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8
  17. Watch espn app has a 4 minute interview.
  18. Just curious, is there a way to find out what the most negative reps one post has gotten.
  19. I don't think Wisconsin's was very good
  20. They were released a couple weeks ago
  21. I want to watch this team play again
  22. Mine has an option to sort only by basketball that's the only place I could find it last time
  23. Freeman has been out since Wake,Diallo only played 10 games, and Doorson has been out all season.
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