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Everything posted by Concrete

  1. I'm fairly certain he got all 68 teams last year an 67 the year before. Could be wrong though. I could also be way wrong, but I think the complaint is that his seedings/region selections are consistently trash. When you think about it, it's not that hard to get every team in the field correct. Could I do it? No, but I'm also not paid to do that/have the connections for it.
  2. I just don't think Leon would have a role going forward for the next couple of years. His playing style isn't much different than Shields and Petteway and he wasn't going to be getting minutes over either of those guys. We need guys that can fill needs and/or contribute immediately, Gilmore doesn't fit either requirement.
  3. When was the last time the university officially marketed/published the term "nebrasketball"? I love it but I don't remember them actually using it since the nee(brasketball) days
  4. "Just look at Wichata St. look at their non-con it is not a stellar resume and look at where they sit" This will hopefully be my first and last post in this thread, but I have to say that is not a valid point right now. Yes, Wichita State is undefeated and ranked in the top 4, but if they were to lose even 1 game their ranking/seeding will plummet because their non-con is "not..stellar". Even if they finish undefeated, they still may not get a 1 seed.
  5. I think the shooting struggles are a combination of the nagging injury and the coaches (allegedly) tinkering with his shot this offseason. Changing someone's shooting mechanics can result in a long adjustment period, especially when the missed shots pile up and confidence begins to dip. Long term, he'll be fine.
  6. :lol: OK. I am a longtime diehard Nebrasketball fan, what do you expect of me. I have seen our team climb into bubble consideration time and time again and piddle it away, usually against inferior competition. If we lose at home, to Illinois, our bubble is probably popped. I get that, I just think you're being a little too dramatic. I'm going to be as upset as anyone if we drop this game, but it's not like this program will never recover from a loss to Illinois on Wednesday. The fact that we are even having this discussion this year says more than the result on Wednesday will, IMO.
  7. I can honestly say I never thought I'd live to see the day that Illinois fans think Nebraska is looking past them in basketball.
  8. He hasn't lived up to the hype we placed on him, but he's not hurting us at all IMO. His shooting % needs to be higher (FG and FT), but he's still effective, efficient, and 2nd on the team in PPG/RPG/APG/SPG (granted he's also leading the team in MPG). Who do we start in his place? Rivers?
  9. :lol: OK.
  10. Again, Shields is the second leading scorer on the team. He's not gonna suddenly be the sixth man. Webster would go to the bench waaaay before Shields. That said, i expect both of them will be starting next season
  11. Washut just retweeted something saying we're now recruiting Atwood.
  12. No kidding. It would suck for next year's outlook, but long term you have to think we would benefit from it. That said, I would much rather have him on next year's team. I agree with you though, you can't blame him if he does leave.
  13. Great for Terran, baaaaad for us. Hopefully that's as high as he gets projected.
  14. I'd like to think what we put on our shirts is original, but that's doubtful. Last year, we were wearing shirts that said "Rise to the Occasion." I thought it was unique, but to no avail. It's just Adidas marketing: I think Us Always is actually exclusive to us. A few days ago I did a google search for "Us Always adidas" thinking I'd find tons of apparel items with that slogan from every adidas team, but I surprisingly didn't find anything (including Nebraska, though).
  15. Weren't we playing in the coliseum when the Kings were in Omaha? I don't think the Coliseum is big enough to really be affected by something like that.
  16. Is that what it is? OKC is in town? OKC is only an hour away from Stillwater and the Thunder had a home game tonight, so yes. I'm sure if Omaha got an NBA team, our attendance (and Creighton's) would take a nose dive as well. Especially on nights when the college team and NBA team are both playing @ home
  17. edit- nevermind, saw you prefaced it with a "realistic requirement"
  18. Yes, yes, yes - Where in the hell can you get one of those jerseys? I haven't seen them for sale ANYWHERE. I actually e-mailed adidas about them last year and they said the jerseys aren't for sale at all. I even offered to pay them direct for a higher cost and they wouldn't budge. Disappointing.
  19. Me neither. I think the last I heard (few weeks ago) was that we were going to try to set up an OV sometime in February (might be confusing him w/ Dickerson there). Early reports made it sound like he was ours if we wanted him. Not sure what the hold up has been.
  20. IDK.. With the way the current guys are coming together, I actually might prefer we just grab Dickerson and Deng and call it good (if we're even fortunate enough to get both of them). There are clearly some red flags with Whittington.
  21. 18 wins would mean we finish 10-4 over our last 14 games with wins over 3-5 tournament teams in that stretch + 10-8 in conference play. We would absolutely be in the tournament, possibly even with a 1st round big ten tournament exit. That said, the chances of that happening are about 1% IMO. This team is getting a lot better and has a great future if they stick together, but I highly doubt we've turned that big of a corner so quickly.
  22. Do they have a decent selection of basketball attire now? I walked in before one of the first few games and everything was either "Nebraska Football" or just "Nebraska." Maybe 1 shirt that referenced Nebraska basketball, and it was a pretty bland shirt. Needless to say, I left without even thinking about buying anything. Very disappointed at the time. Edit- Also think it's strange that they don't sell the throwbacks that we wore in 2012 and 2013. I would buy one of those for sure.
  23. Agreed. Using the "well this team could easily be so and so" is a pretty weak argument when a coach has been at a school for a while and has an established program, but I don't see anything wrong with it in this case. A team chalk full of freshman and sophomores is giving very good big ten teams headaches. That is a sure sign for optimism IMO.
  24. Agreed. Complaining about the fans that leave early is pretty useless, we can't control it. PBA can control where they exit though, and players/fans that stay til the end shouldn't have to watch them stream out in front of them.
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