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Everything posted by runsoastowin

  1. What's interesting about this game is that if you would've told me we'd score over 80 and win by 22, I would've said: Yep, that sounds about right. [Maybe I would've expected a bit higher differential in score, but 20 is indicative of a game squarely in control...] But with that first half and some sloppy play, I read it much differently. That's not to say that I've become pessimistic about this season. But, we already saw some ways that being a little less focused can really hurt us.
  2. I agree, I've used it in the past and I've been pleased. Generally, you get play-by-play commentary done by students, so it's not the greatest (it'd be nice if they linked up the Husker Sports Radio Network broadcast up with it, but it's not a huge deal). I'll be doing it again this year.
  3. The point about football is a good one, I think. Perhaps, then, these games could fill the couple week gap between the end of football regular season and the start of bowl game season? I know part of that is dead-week, but if you could look at the mid-December range, it might fill that gap. (Though, this might overlap with the Big Ten-ACC challenge). Ad B, perhaps moving up a game or two would help to shake that non-attentive relation that many fans have. I'm not sure. What I do know is that coaches will do a fair bit to get their teams national attention and games on ESPN (didn't Miles change our tournament scheduling around for similar reasons?) I suspect the reason for getting this attention has way more to do with recruiting than it does with fan support or interest. I think the benefits of doing it would be similar to one of the benefits of the B10-ACC Challenge--it will bring a lot of attention to our league which is ultimately quite good for recruiting. And Dimes is right re: RPI. If we are worried that Incarnate Word is an RPI killer, best not to schedule them at all. They will hurt our RPI at the beginning of the season just as much as at the end of the season (the only difference might be perceptually, which might be worth paying attention to). Ultimately, the pragmatic difficulties might be too much to get this going (as has been noted above), but I think it has been a good decision for football and is worth consideration in basketball.
  4. Much has been made of the SEC's decision to play some of its conference games earlier in the year. For example, South Carolina and Texas A&M played the opening match-up for football this year. The game was talked about for weeks, got lots of attention from all sorts of media, and probably contributed to each team’s remaining in the top 25 well after they deserved it (of course part of this last bit was due to misperceptions about the strength of each program… but part of this misperception might be due to this attention.) Many have already mentioned that the Big Ten should think about doing the same in College Football. I think this is probably for the best. Though it is risky in a way, since you are playing a big game before your team has had lots of preparation, it provides exposure and attention on weekends where other teams are playing crap teams. I am wondering whether we (i.e. the Big Ten) shouldn’t consider doing this for basketball as well. Of course, there is a bit of a distinction with scheduling in basketball, since there are a few more marquee non-conference games in basketball than there are in football. Nonetheless, a Nebraska-Ohio State match-up in early December would get a fair bit of attention. Even a Nebraska-Penn State match-up would get way more attention in early December than it would in mid-to-late January. My suggestion would be to have just a few conference games earlier on. The idea would be to pay the guaranteed teams (those we pay to come play us) to play later in the year. Since the guarantees are important to the success of their programs, they would probably be willing to adjust their own schedules to play. Of course, it has its risks. Arguably, Nebraska would not have made it to the tourney last year if it had to play some of those conference games earlier in the year (when we were not yet playing at our best). However, I think in the long run, recruiting-wise and attention-wise, this would do a lot to maintaining and establishing the Big Ten as the basketball league (like the SEC is currently the football league). Thoughts? P.s. sorry if someone’s already mentioned this idea before. I don’t think I've seen it though and would be interested to hear other’s thoughts on it.
  5. I don't post very often any more, but I still keep up with most of the conversations here. I remember making the switch from Rivals to HHC back when HHC first existed. I think my reasons are similar to those mentioned: there is an active conversation here about husker basketball, and it's not secondary comments from those who are primarily interested in football. What's even better is that the conversation happens largely among those who were interested in basketball long before we made it back to the NCAA tourney. I don't mean this like a hipster thing ("I liked Nebrasketball before it was cool"), but rather, I know the people here will keep posting and discussing the state of the program in its highs as well as its lows. And this is what I really want--I know that I will continue to be excited every November, hopeful at the start of every season, whether we continue the upward Miles trend or not. And it's nice to have others who share these feelings and to either commiserate in our losses or celebrate our wins. So, thanks to you all for providing this possibility!
  6. https://nebraska.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1684401 There's an interview done by Robin Washut. As mentioned a couple of times already, he seems like a stand-up individual. The interview makes it clear that he is concerned about his development as a whole person (academics, relationships, athletics, etc.). Very impressive, especially given the way some college athletes fail to show the same maturity (c.f. Jameis Winston). Suffice it to say I'm pleased with him both as a player and as an individual. Impressive, classy work by Coach Miles. I'm jacked to see him on the court in husker red!
  7. Wow. I forgot we would probably have to buyout his contract. Never thought we'd have to do that for an assistant coach.
  8. Wow. We are in the bonus already. Yikes.
  9. And a technical. This could get ugly rather quickly for OSU.
  10. How many second half fouls is this for Ohio State? Anybody got a count? Four or five, right? That could come up big... though it looks like we won't be needing that!
  11. I wouldn't hate it if Illinois put something in here for the win. I would rather face them tomorrow than Michigan, all things considered.
  12. I'm just a few hours from Raleigh. If they are there, I will go without a doubt. Probably couldn't go anywhere else.
  13. If this is already in another thread, feel free to ignore it. I think it would be fun to start talking about various seeding scenarios. (I know: we should just be happy we're in. But we are fans. On a message board. This is what we do...) Nebraska loses to Purdue: This would be bad. Enough to put us to first team out status. If we were in, we would be doing a play in for a 12 seed. Nebraska loses to Ohio State: Probably a 12 seed in some mode or other. Nebraska beats Purdue AND: Loses to not-Michigan (Illinois, Indiana): Probably a 12 seed in some mode or other. Loses to Michigan: 12 seed in some mode, maybe an 11. Nebraska beats Ohio State AND: Loses to not-Michigan: 12/11. Loses to Michigan: 11. Nebraska beats Purdue, not-Michigan, AND: Loses to not-NCAA team (Northwestern, PSU, Minny): 10/11 Loses to NCAA team (Wisco, Iowa, MSU): 10/9 Nebraska beats Purdue, Michigan, AND: Loses to not-NCAA team: 10/9 Loses to NCAA team: 9/8 Nebraska beats Ohio State, not-Michigan, AND: Loses to not-NCAA team: 10 Loses to NCAA team: 10/9 ​Nebraska beats Ohio State, Michigan, AND: Loses to not-NCAA team: 9 Loses to NCAA team: 8 Nebraska wins the B1G tourney: Beating Purdue, not-Michigan, and not-NCAA team: 9 Beating Purdue, not-Michigan, and NCAA team: 8 Beating Purdue, Michigan, and not-NCAA team: 8 Beating Purdue, Michigan, and NCAA team: 7 Beating Ohio State, not-Michigan, and not-NCAA: 8 Beating Ohio State, not-Michigan, and NCAA team: 7 Beating Ohio State, Michigan, and not-NCAA team: 7 Beating Ohio Sate, Michigan, and NCAA team: 6 Obviously, a lot depends on how other teams do... but you really got to think that if Nebraska wins the B1G tourney beating Ohio State, Michigan, and Michigan State or Wisconsin, they would merit a much better seeding. I feel like this might be too optimistic in some regards. But, if we show we can win on a neutral court against good teams, that will be meaningful. Thoughts?
  14. If he doesn't get COTY, then I'm not sure what the award is for. Incredible, incredible job by Coach Miles.
  15. "Bonjour, Tourney!" -Nebrasketball
  16. Since we are already being overly speculative (as all good fans should do), I'll add some of my own extreme speculation to the mix. So, if things go well here for Miles (i.e. Nebraska consistently heads to NCAA tourney and makes a run here or there), he would have at least some, if not all, of the following. - High fan support with still reasonable expectations - Competitive salary (from the Athletic Department) - Being a member of a league with rather impressive coaches across the board - Close to family You also have to wonder how much he really likes moving from place to place. I mean, he seems to really enjoy doing the rebuilding thing, but at a certain point, I'm sure it becomes a lot to move his family to a new place and to start the process all over again. Anyway, all of these factors seem to me to contribute to a sort of inertia, meaning any force that will get him to leave will have to be stronger as these things become more in place. Read: increased salary and higher profile job. So, I suspect that if he sticks around for about five years or more (and he continues to be successful), he would only leave for a high-profile job, i.e. like a consistent top-15 type team. I would be really suprised to see him make a 'lateral' move from Nebraska, or to take another small step up. If there is a next step, it will surely be a big one, and surely be his last. Nonetheless, it is not unthinkable that he has already made that last step.
  17. More on Pitch (good news): Brian Rosenthal ‏@HuskerExtraBR 4m No official word on Pitchford, but unofficially, I'm told you can take a deep breath. Exhale. Expand
  18. Aaron ‏@Aaronskrz 1m @HuskerExtraBC @HuskerExtraBR @dirkchatelain coach/trainer for NU just came out and gave Miles thumbs up. Assume that’s good for Walt.
  19. We stand a chance to beat the spread (down 15, spread was 13). After the first half, I would be very pleased with that. Good halfrime adjustments. Especially this full court press--giving a lot of trouble.
  20. I am so happy to see us dunk the ball on the near the basket gimmees. I've seen us miss way too many over the years when we would lay it in instead of finish strong with the dunk. Glad to see we have the athletes for that.
  21. Petteway breathing a bit Bahahaha what the hell started this?! To me it just looked like someone asked where Atewe ended up. All BR said was he signed with Auburn and has played like 6 mins Rosenthal was highlighting what has happened to all the bigs that Nebraska recruited last year. Noted that Agau hasn't played much, etc. Then Attewe responded to the Rosenthal's tweet that explained what he has been up to.
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