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Everything posted by cornfed24-7

  1. I planned on having a beer or two...I'm on #5
  3. Feels like more than 7 3's for Allick for some reason.
  4. We've shown we can get a 20pt lead in a half. Anything less than a 40pt win and it's apparent these guys didn't give it their all.
  5. How else is there to trick the basketball gods?!!
  6. When I was tired...I slept. When I hungry...I ate. And when I...You know...I went.
  7. Only one off the top of my head was with BIG Country.
  8. Only get to the finals?
  9. To each there own. I agree about the defense. But I view defensive games generally as ugly. I don't believe we played bad today. But I get what you are saying. I was at a USAF technical school in GA in 2001. I was introducing Nebraska football to a buddy. Dive left, Dive right, Shortside option, Fullback trap, etc. He was like, "Is this all they do?!?" I was like, "Yeah. It's great isn't it!!" He did not agree
  10. Ugly game. I blame the early start. On to the next!
  11. And even then Allick had to yell "Reink!" to get some help on the inbound. Come on guys. You scouted this pressure.
  12. 1st possession foul call against PSU on KT!?!
  13. I mean the template has been shown. Foul the hell out of him until the refs call it...which most of the time they don't
  14. Hahaha. My bad. 1st 4 out! Gotta really twist the knife.
  15. Oooor they could be like, "Oh you want to be Nebraska Basketball fans?!? Let me show what that means...BOOM! Last 4 out!"
  16. Gary's 3's make me chuckle. With Tominaga, CJ, and even Mast I can watch their shot and be like, "Oh that looks good!" With Gary it's more like, " Damn! That balls still going up!?!" And I have no idea where it's gonna land.
  17. To piggy back off of this...humans are persuaded by any number things. Would they put us in because of the storyline? No. But are they persuaded (even subconsciously)to put us in, when comparing the resumes of our peers, by all the positive press because of the storyline. I'm not willing to say no to that.
  18. Change that to 21 and I agree. 20 and we're sweating on selection Sunday.
  19. This is the reason why I think if we get to the tournament we could make some noise. They generally don't call the games the BS way in the tournament as they do in the B1G.
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