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Everything posted by tcp

  1. ballsy prediction. like the optimism.
  2. The Guardian rock critic in the early 70s reviewed the KMH album and referred to Ron as "the keyboardist who looks like Hitler.." hahahahaha. He's got that framed in his house....heh
  3. As a baseball and As fan, I love analytics....but man, if you're letting those things boss you around, you're missing the point of them entirely. Might want to make friends with your trash cans more often, Fred! After years of d**king around with STATA and SPSS, even an old wonk like me will tell you you need to listen to your heart sometimes. G B R !!!!!
  4. that place should be rocking. my instinct is that the season's on the line here.
  5. Ruh roh....Jane Wiedlin....Combined with one of my favorite bands, Sparks, we got this gem in the 80s.... seriously, Russell and Jane were scorching together....And as a bonus, we get the legendary Ron dance...
  6. guess this thread's turning into the Zoo....(assuming it still exists)
  7. mudy waters should count for every state. anyone second the motion?
  8. 2 games before a cindarella draws a top seed for their first game. going to be a lot of quarterfinal blowouts with that system---either way. tired legs or too much rust.
  9. might as well get this in while its possible. wisconsin is no new jersey.
  10. Turns out this has actually been a national thing this year. Lots of really good teams are struggling on the road against unranked squads. One theory I read is that this generation of players has more difficulty performing in hostile environments since they were raised and trained in more supportive environments than was traditional. Don't know how persuasive that argument is, but it was interesting. In any event, we can't drag the KSU win around all year as the only resume bullet we have and expect to get selected. It was a great win, but the committee is still very much a "what have you done for me lately" kind of operation. At least in terms of breaking ties.
  11. it's no biggie. people vent how they vent. you be you, let others be themselves. easy peasy. but I will say I've decided to actually look into the matter with a bit more seriousness. It does appear that this is a big issue with the selection process and if you recall, that was kinda the whole point with designing the quadrant system in the first place. I think the conversation's interesting. If you don't, that's cool.
  12. I'm trying to think like the committee would think, and this focus on overall wins isn't prudent if you're O-fer on the road. The tourney requires competent play outside of your own gym. Marginal teams on selection day are going to be competing with other teams and I can almost guarantee you that everything else being equal, the team that has proven it can win at least a couple of road games is going to be picked over a home court juggernaut with bupkis for road wins. Edit: Right now, honestly, we look like a perfect NIT team....as long as we draw the match at home.
  13. they didn't even get off the plane. at this point, if it's on the east coast, I'm writing it off. this thing's in their heads.
  14. Baltimore and you guys missed the great John Waters and one of the more fun musicals out there? You all deserve this:
  15. Oh boy, if Copeland didn't get hurt...
  16. Huevos Huskeros--77 Yertl the Terrapin--73
  17. let's hope our postseason goes a little better than theirs did. Xavier had their coming out party as a program that year by beating us in the NCAAs.
  18. CJ's showing his maturity in that he recognizes literally what everyone else does: he's a far better player off the bench and that, in turn, only lends itself to more leadership credibility. win win all around, and this young man is smart enough to recognize it. I think by the end of this season, if it goes well, many of us are going to look back at his removal from the starting rotation as on eof the major contributors to the team's success.
  19. Pike had 43 in the tourney game, if I recall. Easy enough to find out, I guess. I need to get back to work. Thanks for hanging out, guys! This one was fun!
  20. final score? i lost last few minutes of broadcast.....grrrr....
  21. there goes you tube/peacock...
  22. I think the Big 8 tourney game vs OU?
  23. 10 mmore points he takes Pike! lol
  24. don't let up now! I always get nervous this time of the game.
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