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Norm Peterson

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Everything posted by Norm Peterson

  1. Better yet, if I write something that seems ridiculous, just assume I meant it as a joke. ?
  2. Does $40,000 for making the Sweet 16 really matter to a guy making $3.5 million? That's like a bonus of four hundred bucks to a guy making $35K. Except, not really, because each dollar means less to the guy making millions than to the guy making thousands. I'd say pay him $3 million a year but him give an extra million for making the Sweet 16. THAT would be a clear incentive.
  3. The roster is going to blow up regardless. This was a clear risk of making a coaching change. Some players you'd like to keep who have other plans and won't be back; others, you'd just as soon found another home for various reasons. Below is what I would hope to keep and how I'd hope to spend the remaining spots if I had them to spend: Returning bigs: Roby (1 yr) Heiman (3-4 yrs) Returning guards: Burke (2 yrs) Davis (4 yrs) Recruits to keep in the fold (all): Arop (4 yrs) Green (2 yrs) Adams-Woods (4 yrs) Needs (assuming all of the above): Graduate transfer big (1 yr) Graduate transfer point guard (1 yr) Regular transfer big (sit plus 2-3 yrs) Regular transfer big (sit plus 2-3 yrs) Regular transfer SG (sit plus 2-3 yrs) Regular transfer PG (sit plus 2-3 yrs) Assuming we could get some quality grad transfers, that would allow Hoiberg to field a decent roster for next season and offer 3 spots next fall to HS seniors (including Donovan Williams) whom he'd have a decent amount of time to scout and recruit. He'd also have an immediate infusion of talent to begin year 2. We'll see how it all shakes out, but I'm inclined to think the roster is going to look way different next year than how it projected at the end of this last season.
  4. So frustrating when you have to explain the joke lest someone think you were serious. Kinda takes away from the humor of it. #IFeelYourPain
  5. He actually coaches this stuff. Every day. Doesn't have a "don't mess with a bad shot" mentality. Thank goodness.
  6. Lots of guys transferring from Northwestern, however. What's up with that? Collins had one shining season and now appears the wheels are falling off. And he's been extended to, like, 2025. So they either stick with it and see where it goes or pay him a lot of money to not coach.
  7. I saw an article in the Chicago Tribue on-line about all the transfers from Northwestern (which are concerning for them) and one of the prompted articles at the bottom of that story was one about us hiring the former Bulls coach: https://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/basketball/bulls/ct-spt-fred-hoiberg-nebraska-coach-bulls-20190402-story.html
  8. I remember watching Jerry Fort trying to find a lost contact on the floor at the Coliseum. I qualify.
  9. Auroran asked what’s an old timer. I’d like to think that an old timer is anyone who was watching Nebraska basketball during the days of Cipriano or before. But I’m afraid the definition is probably more expansive than that and would include anyone who remembers watching games before Doc Sadler.
  10. Sniffing around Jervay?
  11. Not wasting any time, are they?
  12. Except he misspelled "Hoiberg."
  13. Sorry to see Tom go. I would have thought his 3-point shooting would have fit very well with the new coach's philosophy. He's gotta go where he thinks is best. It's his life to live. Wish him nothing but the best. Still sorry to see him go, though. Good kid.
  14. Hitting the ground running.
  15. True, but other people were saying the same thing.
  16. Good luck, Tom. Thanks for becoming a Husker in the first place. And, AFAIC, once a Husker, always a Husker.
  17. He wasn't an English major.
  18. In another Hawkeye thread, they talk about how there's legit news that Xavier is setting up a visit to Nebraska. Wonder if that's something Fred was working on from after his March 4 conversation with Bill where they just kind of casually "met" each other, until that Friday morning a couple of days ago when he decided to take the job? But it sounds like this isn't just a pipe dream but has some potential to it. https://www.hawkeyenation.com/forum/threads/when-can-we-expect-x-foster-to-declare.86760/
  19. This is hilarious. It was an April Fools joke. And the Hawkeye fans on the board were PISSED: https://www.hawkeyenation.com/forum/threads/xavier-foster-commits-to-iowa.86777/
  20. Well, a lot of us have said that a backcourt consisting of the players Miles collected would be a pretty competitive backcourt for next year. We're talking Thomas Allen, Jervay Green, Dachon Burke, and Mika Adams-Woods. Not sure where Amir Harris (no jumper) and Thor (no jumper) fit into a Hoiberg system. I actually think, if Karrington Davis can just get healthy, that his skillset is a lot more in line with what Hoiberg is going to want. But he's going to need at least one big man even if Roby stays, and 2 if he doesn't. Grad transfers are probably the best place to look at this point.
  21. He said he was "excited" about Miles' recruiting class, which I think would be pretty high praise. And an indication that Miles didn't leave him a dumpster fire situation like what Fred walked into in Ames.
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