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Everything posted by hskr4life

  1. Yes. Through twitter this evening. I will see if I can find the tweet.
  2. I think I have a "Someone call the Doc-tor" shirt deep down in the drawers somewhere.
  3. One thing that Doc did do well was game plan as well. I remember that we had some solid game plans back then. We just didn't have the horses to compete at times.
  4. I took @cipsucks post as more of a "it doesn't matter what color you are, walking down the streets of Omaha is dangerous for almost anyone." That's one of the problems with bringing up politics on this board. Everything these days is viewed through a microscopic lens when it comes to situations and stories like this. Whether the Creighton player wanted it to be or not... the post is political because that is the environment that we currently live in. That is the way that our current climate is.
  5. This would be very cool. I loved Doc and man could his teams play D. One of my favorite Nebraska teams was the "smallest team in D1" team.
  6. Do I know how twitter works? Yes. Why did I post it? Because I saw the tweet and shared it on a Nebraska basketball message board. The tweet was about Nebraska. I didn't say anything negative about Matt at all. I said it was a little worrying that #fbi was in there and that I hope we don't go down that hole. That's still the case. I hope we don't go down that hole.
  7. Haven't seen or heard anything about the FBI getting involved with Matt, St. Johns, or us. Just saw the #fbi in this tweet and from what I know about he is perceived on the recruiting trail. Like I said in that post, hopefully it was just someone being jealous.
  8. Let's just say that I knew Marc was going to be stepping back. @Norm Peterson post about us being clean was on the right track as to why Marc might be stepping back. My source let me know a few days before the news broke, but wanted me to remain silent until it became public. Some people aren't happy with the hire of Abdelmassih and were against him being hired onto staff. Hopefully what I am hearing about him and how he is perceived in the recruiting world is moot and overblown. I would never wish ill on my Huskers. So my source knew of the impending Boehm news before it broke publicly. I will continue to share, as I have said, what I can and when. You can like it, dismiss it, laugh at it, be upset with it... I don't care.
  9. Funny. If I truly took offense to anything I perceived as negative, I would reply to most all of your posts. I haven't in quite some time actually.
  10. We've only lost one midweek game... against a team that is nearly 20 spots better than us in the RPI... Not sure where you're going with "midweek is the difference? Did we never lose a midweek game when we were "rolling?"
  11. This and the fact that we're playing baseball here. Going 2/3 every week is a good indication of a team that is decent. We're going to lose games every now and then. That's just part of baseball. Last night was a loss by committee as we made some mental errors and bats were cold. That happens sometimes.
  12. Bats are iccccceeeee cold.
  13. Replay can be used to go frame by frame and see a ball possibly graze a pinky, but can’t be used to call an abvious foul or obvious no foul. Replay ruined this game.
  14. Ask and ye shall receive!
  15. As of this morning, Creighton is #26... just dropped from #25. Nebraska jumped from #46 to #40.
  16. I think that’s just part of 3X3. On regular basketball, a “two” is worth 2/3 or 66% of the points a “three” is worth. In 3X3, a “two” is only worth 1/2 of a “three.” Another way to look at it is that you’d need to make 2 “one point shots” to catch back up after someone make a a “two point shot.” In regular basketball, that doesn’t just tie it, but it puts you in the lead. After watching this weekend, there are two types of players who I think would benefit in a 3X3 game. The Roby types who can play inside and out and who have height, and shooters.
  17. Same ones who said Minny wouldn’t make the dance after our loss there in December?
  18. Now 8-0 at home and have had 5 home games canceled. Six total games canceled I believe. Very easily could be 22-10 right now.
  19. Happ was horrible. Absolutely horrible.
  20. Tied up at 14 in the Round of 16. They are beating the heck out of the Big 10 guys.
  21. This board is full of "anonymous sources" so I am happy to share what I know. I will continue to do so, even if that means sharing something that isn't all rainbows and butterflies.
  22. Never thought... back on that cold November day... that our first loss of the year would be to the eventual (possible) national champion.
  23. Oh believe me. I hope it isn’t true either. I haven’t heard of anything overwhelming, but obviously there are rumors out there.
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