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Everything posted by hskr4life

  1. Minnesota and Illinois going COVID postponement. I swear if those Goofers ruin our chance at another win, I'm going to be so mad.
  2. Seems we've been getting a little better with our shots from just east of Des Moines. Also, does it drive anyone else crazy when we miss our shots from the Chicago/Peoria area?
  3. Tominaga from Marysville and Tominaga from the panhandle. Where's next? Yankton?
  4. This’ll be a fun year to play around with the B1G bracket generator. 6 way tie for 3rd place right now. As of right now, the team who’d get a double bye would have the same record as the 8 seed in the 8-9 game.
  5. KT is one of the more fun players we’ve had the opportunity to watch in some time. His shooting + funny antics really make him a hoot. Love the guy. Can’t believe people wanted him gone. He has completely taken on the role many thought CJ would play this year. Both shooting and cuts to the hoop. Today is what I think a lot of people had in mind when talking about taking advantage of our opportunities down the stretch. There’s some wins out there to be had. Remember all the games we started off slowwww and wondered “what if” later? Imagine had we did what we did to start today in those games. Sam H could be a sneaky good role player in a year or two. One to watch for sure. Today doesn’t do much for me in terms of how I’m feeling about the season or how Fred’s done so far… but… great job and congrats to the coaching staff for picking this one up. Realistically we could sneak in 14-15 wins if things really bounced our way.
  6. KT is one of the more fun players we’ve had the opportunity to watch in some time. His shooting + funny antics really make him a hoot. Love the guy. Can’t believe people wanted him gone. He has completely taken on the role many thought CJ would play this year. Both shooting and cuts to the hoop. Today is what I think a lot of people had in mind when talking about taking advantage of our opportunities down the stretch. There’s some wins out there to be had. Remember all the games we started off slowwww and wondered “what if” later? Imagine had we did what we did to start today in those games. Sam H could be a sneaky good role player in a year or two. One to watch for sure. Today doesn’t do much for me in terms of how I’m feeling about the season or how Fred’s done so far… but… great job and congrats to the coaching staff for picking this one up. Realistically we could sneak in 14-15 wins if things really bounced our way.
  7. 2 more to not be the first coach to lose 20 in 4 consecutive seasons! We can do that right?
  8. Let's be real, no one expects Miles back-- though some might want him back everyone knows it isn't happening. I think most keep bringing it up because his "ceiling" that oh so many referred to as "not something to settle for" is a lot higher than what some now want to settle for.
  9. Keisei Tominaga is my spirit animal.
  10. I don't think anyone knows the exact formula... but our cupcake wins for the most part stink, and it's always better to have more wins than losses which... we don't.
  11. Also, some of the teams we are behind in the NET... in year 4.... Montana State LMU UC Santa Barbara Cornell UC Irvine Furman Drake Do I need to keep going? I think you get the point. We're in year 4 and we're not even in very good company in terms of the NET rankings. But hey, at least we're not Minnesota bad. (237)
  12. Relatively the same in the NET. 101- Nebraska 102- Indiana State 103- Toledo 104- San Jose State
  13. We had a jump last time against PSU, so I would say odds are we see one again today.
  14. To be fair, they did play 4 P6 programs (Georgia, Wisco, LSU, and Rutgers) and a few of those programs have just stunk this year. Mid-Majors are a crap shoot as you never know who you're going to play that could be good and boost your overall rating. However-- the ACC is a disaster this year. That 4 game losing streak they are on hurts, but they have a good opportunity to dance. Can't say the same for us.
  15. My guess is we'll move the Gavitt Games to the B1G/ACC slots later in the non-con season.
  16. Fred will officially be retained.
  17. Andy Katz on BTN this morning... "there's only two that absolutely are not (getting into NCAA Tournament) and that's Nebraska and Minnesota." Sigh.. we still have 8 regular season games and we're already "not getting in the tournament".
  18. LOL-- have they been back?
  19. I haven’t seen Kelly Pfiefer like all year.
  20. Looks like the OC posed as a boys and girls club to get discounted tickets. Either way, should have probably been offered the chance to pay full price.
  21. I was surprised to hear on the broadcast last night that it was a point of emphasis for referees to take their time making a call. That could be a reason why we’re seeing late calls. I don’t like it as it makes it seem like “ope, ball didn’t go in, better call something.”
  22. Yeah but one of those years was a shortened year where we only played 27 games so it doesn't count............... (sarcasm)
  23. I actually love Keisei in a zone. He has realllllly good basketball instincts and knows where to be/where he should be. He just isn’t quick enough to get there sometimes. I’d take a KT type of player on my team anyyyy day.
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