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Red Rum

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Everything posted by Red Rum

  1. I love the Haka at the beginning of this video. A Haka is the traditional war dance of the New Zealand Maori tribe meant to strike fear in the hearts of their enemy. Its' most famous renditions are the Hakas performed by the New Zealand national rugby team prior to games. Tai and his teammates look particularly fearsome when they stick out their tongues and bulge their eyes, don't you think? Hahaha. Reminds me of the pre-game from the Chardee MacDennis: Game of Games episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadephia. I'd post the video but there are a couple swear words. I don't want to offend. Youtube it, it's there...love that show
  2. I actually looked into it. We will not be getting these. The college teams that most likely will be getting them this year are Kansas, Louisville, UCLA, Baylor, and I think Michigan. Nebraska is not a top tier team or brand recognized team. So, it will not be happening this year. I suggest you all follow uni-watch.com if you are not already visiting the site on a daily basis. It is probably the best site on the interent for uniform/sports apparel information. Good, I think they are hideous.
  3. Very interesting.....I like it.
  4. I've said this many times on the old board but my favorite ones were the Converse Voltage unis. A quick google search didn't help me out so.... I just think they are rad is all.
  5. We may not be run and gun next year but Miles has said he likes to play more uptempo than the way the team's played this year. His hand has just been forced with the team we have. Doc wanted to play baseline to baseline too but his hand was forced for 5 years..... I kid becuase I love. I'd like to see more pressure. Not really a helter skelter/run and gun kind of a thing. More of a controled chaos kind of thing. Ok I don't know if there's a difference, I'm just talking to hear my own voice. Or in this case my fingers typing.
  6. Shang Ping plays on the same pro team in China as Tracy McGrady... http://www.asia-basket.com/team.asp?Cntry=China&Team=7300&Page=1
  7. She sounds like a keeper!
  8. I'm paraphrasing but on The Journey he said that it's taken him 3 years to build a program everywhere else he's been and he doesn't see why he can't do that here. I don't either and I hope that he does. I'd almost go Magic 8 Ball and say that all signs point to yes...
  9. 60% of the time it happens all the time
  10. I'm the same way. I still am not all in on the B1G but I'm turning the corner.
  11. That would be. They'd have to make sure you smoked 'em at the game. That should be the promotion for the last game at Devaney. "Smoke 'em if ya got 'em night"! Everybody in attendance should be encouraged to light up one last time for old times' sake!! Have ladies walking up and down the aisles "cigarettes, matches, gum..."
  12. I'm going to have to bring along power tools or something to take my portion of the upper bench seats I've sat in for the last 6 years.
  13. It's ok to vent buddy! And I totally agree with you. That might have been my way of saying "fine we didn't want you anyway." Soften the blow kind of thing. Sort of helps.
  14. Minesota 62 Nebrasketball 51
  15. Count me in the camp that is baffled as to why we didn't offer Jeter. Maybe Doc figured Jeter and Shields were essentialy the same? Then tried to put the full court press on Gessell? Few really know but I would have loved Jeter on this team. I'm sure Coach Miles would have too. Oh well, no use crying over spilt milk.
  16. We have a good personality...
  17. This. For a while now Nike has pretty much a base design for all of their basketball unis and seem to let teams put their own "personal" touches on them. Like the argyle design on the sides of the UNC jerseys. Same goes for all the Adidas schools except for Cincinnati it seems. If you look Creighton and St. Louis basically have the exact same jersey except the name on the front. Saying Nike is more "hip, and modern" I guess is in the eye of the beholder. But do say they don't over saturate the market is just not true.
  18. We'll see how work goes. If I can get out early I might just be ready for a couple beers and some wings.
  19. Shields best true frosh since.... Jesus, he came here right?
  20. I wouldn't be so sure. I'm guessing the reason most are leaving is to beat the traffic. Traffic isn't that bad. They'll probably start leaving at the under 8 timeout because traffic is just that bad. I mean we're talking gridlock here people. Cats and Dogs playing together! Trafficapolips or something. The only way that changes is if they just stay home because of traffic/parking. Those people don't change, they never will. If you can't tell I don't have a very high regard for those people. I used to call them names, ask them where they are going. I just quit judging out loud and judge to myself.
  21. Yes even if it takes him getting kicked in the ding, yes.
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