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Red Rum

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Everything posted by Red Rum

  1. I guess that's why they call them "sell outs" because they sell out of all the tickets? Just a hunch FFS*.... *not sure that works but there it is.
  2. I did not know that "oh for FFS" was a thing. I love it. I might have to use that in the future if I can remember.
  3. I agree with this solely on the grounds that I've invested a lot of money in adidas aka I've bought a lot of Husker gear. Otherwise I'd be ok with switching to Under Armor. I've got a lot of their gear too.
  4. ...speaking of that. Where is kidney?? coaching an all star 5th grade team...
  5. Cmon gimmie some good news today! I took Thursday and Friday off to watch Husker baseball and they could be eliminated before lunch tomorrow.
  6. I guess, I feel the other way. With that said, AWIII has not made it a secret that he is going to take his time. With you on this one, to me it seems like he is looking for a reason to go. That said, I've eaten a lot of crow in life up to this point so what the heck. Dish me up a plate and I will gladly take it if I am wrong. I can kind of see that, if he waits it out and enough of the right people drop out of the draft maybe he'll slide into a draft spot.
  7. Best reason to convince AW-III to announce his choice. The children. Please save the poor child who will become a pariah without #3 at the Vault next season.
  8. Normy confused, too. And, likely, I am as well. Nope, not me. I don't think Silver is either. Confused yet? Anyone...anyone.... Bueller? Nope, I barely pay attention
  9. I've never wanted to punch my computer screen more than I do right now
  10. Also I haven't heard much of the show since Sip took over but this segment I listened to.....he was very preachy/WWF Interviewy with his cadence.
  11. Chimichangas on the house!
  12. UPDATE: This morning I had what my dad calls a mess. Very much like an omelet but its not nice and tidy. Potatoes, meat (in this case ham), and eggs all mixed up together and cooked in a pan. Basically it's a lazy man's omelet and me being lazy....
  13. I had banana bread this morning.
  14. Oh so he's saying he's coming back to Nebraska. Cool.
  15. No, but message board group think is a wonderful thing. I get that there can be issues with message board group think. I don't think that's quite the issue here, though. It's not about what your information was and whether or not it was accurate; it's about what you proposed to do with it. That's where you ran into problems. It's kinda like, can we just cross that bridge if and when we get to it? Or jump off the train as it were...
  16. “At this point, it’s the NBA or Nebraska,” White said I did like this bit of the article. That's encouraging and should stop all the talk about how embarrassing it would be to the program (and specifically Coach Miles) if they lost a player to Europe. Sorry to off track your getting-off-track, please continue.
  17. I assume that made him drop his chimichanga?
  18. At last check on that poll I believe that the poop emoji was winning.
  19. I still find this to be true. Well, he visited but hasn't committed yet. Whoah, we're halfway there. - Jon Bon Jovi Thanks for getting that song stuck in my head now Well it's stuck in my head too. I don't like suffering alone.
  20. I still find this to be true. Well, he visited but hasn't committed yet. Whoah, we're halfway there. - Jon Bon Jovi
  21. I have a recipe that includes beer. It's called "beer". Hang on let me get a pen and some paper so I can write this down.....ok go
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