Dimes, you seem pretty confident in the overs on Midlands' dunks. You do realize, of course, Midland's tallest player is like 6'5" and he's, well ... y'know ... caucasion. I'm not expecting like a whole lot of high-flying acrobatics out of this opponent tonight.
Actually Biggs has been stating from day 1 that he was going to redshirt and has never changed his mind. As one poster pointed out, he could still change his mind at any point during the regular season.
You can choose to engage or not engage with posters that you find "rude".
I can tell you that "Trolling Nebraska Fan" is going to win over "Passive Aggressive fan of another team" repeatedly.
I'm not complaining about the price so much, yeah I understand it costs for events and events at the Clink are much more, but the parking is better in terms of closeness and easy exit, my issue is they are raising prices for what has already been crappy parking and people complaining about paying and knowing that this will be a tough year for the hoops program. It's just another reason that fans will have not to go when the team is struggling. I'll still be there but just saying. Where can you park for free that doesn't involve a 2 mile walk?
I'm pretty sure you two are arguing in circles. I think Creighton Fan is pointing out that he's "playing now" as in practicing with the team, you're equating "playing now" with playing in games.
We were certainly "cursed" with many injuries during the Sadler era. I wonder if this was at least partially self inflicted by the intensity of Doc's practices. I've never seen another coach's practice as HARD as Doc did. And I absolutely loved it at the time. But part of me wonders if that is at least a part of the reason his players experienced so many injuries. I don't BLAME Doc... with the talent and size he had his teams HAD to outwork everyone else to compete.
He most certainly is playing right now. What do you think he's doing --- sitting on his backside everyday in practice?
You're really kind of a jerk, aren't you?