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2020. Am I right?




You can't have a season without HHCC. But let's have some patience with this one. Some games are likely going to be added, dropped, or moved around on the drop of a hat. It's hard to believe that in last season's HHCC intro thread, I was making jokes about candy corn and pumpkin spiced lattes. Now we're just hoping to see a little bit of college hoops this year.


If I haven't posted the HHCC game thread with 24 hours before the game, it might take a collective effort to get the ball rolling and keep this thing running smoothly. This game always seems to be a nice addition in the ebbs and flows of the season, so let's all try to continue to make that happen this "unprecedented" season (if I had a nickle every time I've heard that word this year).


For those not familiar with Husker Hoops Central Challenge (HHCC), it's not a steep learning curve. Whether you start from Game 1 or jump in mid-season, you're in on the action. At the very least, try to prove to everyone else that you're smarter than Ken Pomeroy. The more people that participate, the more fun this becomes.


This is the part where I have a pep talk about the start of this season. Well... I'm just hopeful for the season to begin and sticks around long enough for some "March" Madness.


The rules are the same as last year with more opportunities to earn some bonus points throughout the season.


Last year's Top 10 finishers were:

1    Crush78
2    Cazzie22
3    aphilso1
4    HuskerFever
5    hhcmatt
6    1sdpad2
7    BjoeHusker
8    tcp

10  Buglem


*5    KenPom
MVP:  HuskerFever
Person who paid me the most to make it into the Top 10:  hhcmatt

(Just kidding... but if you want to win this season, you can PayPal or Venmo me at: __________)


Now let's get out there and have some fun. Appreciate what this hoops season has to offer, and be safe out there.


Game on.






If you want to be part of the HHCC, all you need to do is guess the score of each game.  Participants with at least one entry will be included in the overall standings.  There will be a thread available following the completion of the previous game.  Scoring is based on how close you were to each team's actual point total and the margin of victory.



The object of the game is to have the lowest accumulated points at the end of the year.

Scoring is taken from three variables (margin of victory, actual score, correct game winner); with possible bonus points.

  • Margin of Victory: This is how many points either team wins by.
    • Scoring: Difference between Actual MoV (Husker score & Opponent score)  Predicted MoV (Predicted Husker score & Predicted Opponent score). This is then multiplied by 2.
    • Bonus: There is a -5 bonus for correctly predicting margin of victory. To get the bonus two things must happen. 1. Your margin of victory must match the actual margin of victory. 2. You picked the correct winner. 
      • EXAMPLE

                                    Prediction: NU 79 Opponent 72

                                    Actual: NU 72 Opponent 62


                                    (Actual (72 62) = 10 - Predicted (79-72) = 7) = 3 * 2 = 6

                                    MoV = 6


  • Actual Score: This is the final point totals of both teams.
    • Scoring: (Predicted Husker score vs. Actual Husker score) + (Predicted Opponent score Actual Opponent score)
    • Bonus: There is a -5 bonus for correctly predicting either the Huskers score or the opponents.
      • EXAMPLE

                                     Prediction: NU 79 Opponent 72

                                     Actual: NU 72 Opponent 62


                                     (79 72) + (62 72)

                                     7 + 10 = 17


  • Game Winner: Picking the correct winner.
    • Scoring: Zero points for correct winner. 20 point penalty for incorrect choice.

The final score for this game would be 23.


Correctly predicting the actual game score nets all -5 bonuses and a -25 bonus, for a best possible score of -40.


Missed Game:

Your score for missing a game is (the highest score of picked games + 25 points). 


End of year:

  1. Your highest score will be subtracted from your final point total.
  2. No Games Missed equals a -25 bonus to your final score.  



  1. All new HHCC game threads will be posted following the previous game. The first game will be up after the last exhibition game.
  2. Post your prediction in the HHCC thread.
  3. All predictions must be in by the scheduled tipoff time (noted in the thread's title).
  4. Any corrections to your prediction should be done in the HHCC game thread.  If you are unable to edit your score, just quote your previous score and post the new score underneath.
  5. All score updates will be posted throughout the season.

I hated picking so many Husker losses last year.  This year is going to be difficult until a few games are under the belt.  I would have never thought we would lose to UC-Riverside so maybe one should be cautious about McNeese State.  Hoping for a fun, competitive season.

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