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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Alternative Facts I think is the term we currently are to use.
  2. yeah I shot Pollard a note telling him he probably needs to know what he's talking about before bashing another school. Doubt I'll get a response, but I wanted to point out that we actually have been to the NCAA Tournament a number of times. I believe that the first round still counts as an appearance, even if they have not won one.
  3. Is that the only change they are bringing from the NIT experiment? They need to change the name of the tournament to the National Experimental Tournament.
  4. Lol even as the original poster, I’m kind of shocked it went over a page.
  5. Probably could, but if you want to play basketball why would you? I don't know...maybe I missed something. Does he no longer want to play basketball and just go to school?
  6. Thanks! lol...more room for people to vent here. I just posted it there since some of her comments dealt with current player status.
  7. lol..I agree. I'm not sure what kind of meds she's taking. I just was wondering what everyone's thoughts were and if anyone had a clue who else thought the way she did.
  8. Thoughts? https://journalstar.com/opinion/letters/letter-an-open-letter-to-the-new-husker-basketball-staff/article_607c636e-777b-5057-8a53-b86802165aba.html#tncms-source=infinity-scroll-summary-siderail-latest
  9. Off topic here, but I miss the Omaha stations here in Lincoln.
  10. I was in Beatrice at speed skating practice while the sirens were going off in Lincoln. A friend of mine was texting me and face timing me while stuff was going on in Lincoln and telling us all to stay put. We did until about 6:30-6:40 ish and then we all drove home. I drove through a downpour where I couldn't see much past the end of my car. Made it home and found no damage...in fact my furniture on my balcony was still where it was when i went to practice. I live off 27th and Hwy 2...so I was somewhat close to that Long John Silver's that is down the street from KLKN that had their roof torn off.
  11. yup. I'm sure there's a lot like that in Omaha area. I'm guessing there's some like that in the Country Club area in Lincoln as well as out by Firethorn Golf Course. I know I went to a party at one out by the miniature golf course off hwy 2 in Lincoln. 8 car garage, full sized basketball court in the basement 25 rooms. Place is huge!
  12. https://bestthingsne.com/most-expensive-homes/ https://homesoftherich.net/tag/nebraska/
  13. God that is hard to read...not that anyone would remember...but was that actually one solid paragraph back in the day? maybe it's just the way it's appearing on my screen.
  14. Looking at the Bonuses it’s pretty much NCAA or bust. Not that we want the NIT, but there is no bonus for going or winning...unless I’m just totally missing it. Those are also in his case, chump change bonuses for making it to the NCAA unless he wins the championship 30 thousand up to 75 thousand for advancing to the final four and then it shoots up to 300,000 for winning the Championship. So I’m guessing he would get 75 thousand for advancing (the others are based on advancing to while the other is winning) to the championship? Am I understanding that correctly?
  15. No...but we had to boot a couple Huskers and their wives/girlfriends (lol...I was too young to care at the time) out of our seats at Kemper arena during the Big 8 tournament one year.
  16. I saw some lady over on one of the posting on the Journal Star complaining that this is going to cause student costs to skyrocket to pay for this. Never going to get people to understand that the university has one of the few athletic programs that is self funding. So much do that instead of the education side funding the Athletic department, the Athletic department tosses a good sized chunk of change to the Education side.
  17. Our family didn't start going to games until 1976 when the Bob opened up. Been going ever since.
  18. I just had to google to see what happened to him. I totally didn't know there was a G league until Hoiberg was hired.
  19. The part that irritated me was when Moos talked about the strong connection the coaches have. Then we find out the Golf Coach went behind Miles back and brought up Hoiberg. I think the strong connection isn’t as strong as he thinks.
  20. How about Linoma Beach? That’s who I’m wondering about.
  21. With this talk of what the Iowa fans think...or not. What’s come out of the camp up north a few miles?
  22. Highlight was his response “What do you want me to say to them.”
  23. Lol...well that answers some questions. Someone on one of the Cyclone message boards asked if he was going to be changing his Twitter page. This should be fun as they are pissed off enough already...anything to stir the pot. ;)
  24. What about CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and BBC America????
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