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Everything posted by a0t0w0

  1. Just checking in. Nice try UCLA
  2. Thoughts? I'd like to nominate Watson as the lead couch fister.
  3. How so If we win I can say I told you so. If we lose I can edit.
  4. Things are turning not okay.
  5. We only need 4 days for that run! Damn right gentleman. Have you not heard of playing opposum? I spoke with Tim Miles in private and he confirmed that we have been throwing games in order to COMPLETELY change the mindset of the state after we come alive and win the B1G tournament and eventually make it to the elite 8. That dude can be considered borderline psychopath. Marbles the size of PBA. He finished by telling me "YOLO, remember this stays here"
  6. "one step at at a time... no need to rush."
  7. New couch..no fisting New couch...poor signal Old couch....signal...old couch... fisting WE WILL WIN.
  8. When will the TM half time tweets say "we need to go out there and work their mothers" ?
  9. oooooooooooooooooo yeaaaaaaaa friends
  10. x10000 rot in hell Purdue.
  11. You guys are fun.
  12. Nomads. I like that...
  13. I'm certainly not the expert but I've seen a little basketball and I'm not sure what you saw to say we were badly out coached? I'm not saying we weren't but I'm curious to know what you saw that makes you say that. You can game plan for something but your scout team is not going to be able to duplicate what you see in the game at the speed it really happens. Sometimes there is a big gap between the gameplan and the player execution. Since I've not been to practice or meetings, I don't know enough to say one was more at fault than the other.We did seem to struggle adjusting to the post rim run throughout the game but I also think we made some good adjustments. What did you see that made you feel things were tipped drastically Michigan's way? They don't really do a lot of stuff, they just seem to do what they do very well. I don't understand the outcoached line as it regards to this game either. I'm an arm chair point guard, but damn it's hard to not give miles some credit in this one. They didn't die when a more experienced team was hitting a much higher percentage with a much more experience coach. Instead we cut it to 2 from 18. Pretty much balls. I like this Tim Miles kid.
  14. He's going to be fun me thinks.
  15. The shooting by MU...how do you overcome it? I mean honestly...the fact we got it within 2 is a miracle. I love this team. We're 12-9 (?) but who the eff cares. I'm looking for FUN damnit. two more months of FARGING FUN. lets get it.
  16. NU runza away from this one. NU 86 MU 71 9 3's
  17. The wheels on the bus scream win win win, win win win, we will win. Oh! the wheels on the bus say win win win, win that fucking crown.
  18. Dan Patrick had Yoda on today (Brian Scalibrini) and he talked about calls going one way or the other...universal
  19. It's always sunny in Devaney Dungeon
  20. Double Cheers! Iowa...where the men are men and the sheep know it.
  21. Nice to know that we were right there in all 3 and probably should have won a couple then! Cheers!
  22. Here's to never knowing the future friends...
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