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Everything posted by a0t0w0

  1. Samford driver just flipped me off today.
  2. late to the party. sources told me "carpet" and "over under" was involved so I had to comment. Unfortunately, I was advised by my legal council not to choose IN THE MIDDLE.
  3. over 5'9 check. Big man secured for 2017 check.
  4. Mrs Don is alive & well as anyone who saw us at the Cal WBB game will attest (we were the one's in Red ). (and yes, we originally did have Shag carpet in our home. How ever did you guess, Norm? ) I'm not so sure about Mrs. Atskooc, though! (btw, what's that Thumping I keep hearing?) Mrs. atskooc is doing very well, thank you! So you shaged her under the carpet? :o :wub: :wub: :blink: :blink: :wacko: no ideaaa whats going on, but I'll take the under
  5. Sounds like an exotic hotel
  6. Norm doesn't tip...or pay for the room. #trustedsources
  7. Let me say somethin... You can't be a football and basketball school. Well, we're set.
  8. I can't even remember if you're the guy I usually agree or disagree with, but I agree with this so hard I'd like to facebook friend you. Get a room... Reserved. I've found that if you tip 25% and you say "we will win" you'll be a happy man.
  9. Two road games. Two beat downs. One to an elite team. The other to a mediocre team. I've seen nothing out of this team that leads me to believe we can win on the road in the Big TenSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Good news is, there is no road called "the Big Ten". We will win.
  10. I can't even remember if you're the guy I usually agree or disagree with, but I agree with this so hard I'd like to facebook friend you.
  11. It will be, but the way I see it- Parity and shit. I figure if a pair is 2, then there's a 1 out of 2 chance I'm right about calling out parity on something that clearly is not of par. With that math, there's a 55% chance that I'm 86% right. If parity is all sorts of up in our game, it's part of why we don't have a big. If bigs came in pairs, we'd have two....parity. Science is crazy guys.
  12. What 49'r is trying to say is... "CBB is a long season. One game doesn't make or break anything. All of our losses are decent. We just need to win out til conference, pull out some wins (Purdue, screw you) and we'll be fine. Tai will be the heart, Shields and White will be the limbs. Watson will be the cocaine. We will win. We will win enough to make the tournament. We will win a tournament game by a fair margin and then lose huge in the second round. Truth." Yeah, I agree for the most part 49'r, but I don't think we'll lose in the second round.
  13. This loss doesn't make me flinch.
  14. Guys, guys, guys. We're just starting over the 4 steps. except this time with less of a mountain. We got this. 5 minutes until castration begins.
  15. JAYSKER! Jk. We will win. Failure is not an option.
  16. Dear lord men, it's 12 points. We have 3/4 of the game to make that up.
  17. Hai gais. Checking in. This is my favorite tactic. 1)Play possum! 2)strike! 3)Castrate! 4)Teabag! Wait until the 5 minute mark of the first half. Shit is going to go bananazers in our favoure
  18. Well, I wasn't wearing pants most of the time, but even if I was I still would have enjoyed myself.
  19. Sorry, went to poop. I take it we still will win?
  20. I'd cuss a lot if I were Matt or Kent. Kudos to them.
  21. so. many. basketball. boners.
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