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Everything posted by brfrad

  1. This is absolutely horrible the amount of illegal screens we are getting called. 2 of them were because Johnson fell down after running into Nebraska players.
  2. Brice with 2 bad foul calls against him. To be fair, he got away with one.
  3. The refs off to a rough start tonight.
  4. We didn't stop penetration all game all game. South Carolina State just couldn't make any bunnies.
  5. They just air balled a 3 footer.
  6. They look like me trying to shoot the ball.
  7. Well, South Carolina State is shooting like they have never played before,
  8. Here's our song we had to play every year.
  9. We have no one that wants to be playing tonight.
  10. It really is an easy game. Bring up the energy on defense. Ball movement om offense.
  11. This one on one garbage needs to stop. We came into this game thinking North Dakota was going to roll over for us. They weren't.
  12. I think Illinois is a bad match-up for us. They will pressure us even more than Minnesota, which we did not handle. If the refs called a tight game, we would have a chance at home. The Purdue game we may have a chance if they can't hit 3's. We hung with them in the 1st half last year, on the road, without Gary, Bandomaul, and Griessel, if I remember right. The 2nd half they couldn't miss, and we got toasted.
  13. I thought of doing an exercise to see how we match-up in the Big 10. Currently NCAA (1 - 6 seed) Purdue. Home Illinois. Away Wisconsin. Home and Away NCAA (7 - 10 seed) Ohio State. Home and Away NCAA (11 seed - 12 seed) or NIT (1 seed - 2 seed) Michigan State. Home Indiana. Home and Away Northwestern. Home and Away Home NIT (3 seed - 4 seed) Nebraska Iowa. Away Michigan. Home and Away Road NIT (5 seed - 8 seed) Maryland. Away Rutgers. Home and Away NIT bubble Penn State. Home Minnesota. Home and Away Potential NCAA (1 - 6 seed) Purdue Illinois Wisconsin Ohio State NCAA (7 - 10 seed) Michigan State Indiana NCAA (11 - 12 seed) or NIT (1 - 2 seed) Northwestern Nebraska Home NIT (3 - 4 seed) Iowa Michigan Maryland Road NIT (5 - 8 seed) Rutgers NIT bubble Penn State Minnesota If we can win most of our home games and a couple of road wins should have us looking good.
  14. The life of a Nebrasketball fan.
  15. Good win. Not many road wins against a P6 teams when you go 1 - 4 from the free throw line. Go scoreless for the final 4:22. Defense was the name of the game. That defensive effort was not there against Creighton and in the 2nd half of the Minnesota game. Needs to be our identity the rest of the year.
  16. Went from fire Hoiberg to how close are we to the bubble in 2 weeks. Probably going to have a few more of these rides throughout the year.
  17. We forgot how to return serves in the 2nd set.
  18. Maybe the 2nd half of the Minnesota game was a wake up call. KSU had 1 field goal in the final 14:45.
  19. KSU went 9:30 minutes between field goals. 1 free throw make in that time.
  20. 14 offensive rebounds in the 2nd half. Good news/bad news. Means we are missing a lot of shots.
  21. Our luck appears to be changing.
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