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Everything posted by jimmykc

  1. Where are the tables of free doughnuts?
  2. Or 10 fouls?
  3. Isn't this thread a bit analogous to wondering why we don't see more Gary Johnson campaign buttons, mugs, and apparel? And, no, I am not referring to the ex Texas basketball player.
  4. I expect us to reach that magic 20 mark this year.
  5. During the winter this will double as the city luge.
  6. I would be curious to hear from someone who has watched both coaches run practice and can compare the physical differences between styles regarding the potential for wearing players out. I thought Doc was always inordinately proud of the intensity of his practices which also seemed to generate an inordinate number of injuries. Does coach Tim Miles seem to like to "break down" players mentally?, are practices longer?, are breaks more frequent?, Compare and contrast styles if possible. (looks like I hit the italic button-Darn wide mouse!)
  7. He's probably too busy pushing the old doublewide. And why doesn't HB get credit for all of his previous posts? He's been on the board for quite awhile. Or were they all just so lame that they didn't count? Just wondering.
  8. Sorry, Sideburns Jones still holds that position.
  9. I think that dimes diagnosed my problem. This probably has kept someone from becoming an alcoholic. However, I was not doubleclicking. My Mouse is too obese and will have to be put on a diet.
  10. Thanks, dimes, you are probably right but I didn't think I double clicked anything since the day when I had my old imac. Anyway I kind of preferred to believe it was the mysterious and omnipotent Ebay doing it.
  11. Another miss. It has to be a random occurence decided upon by the all powerful Ebay.
  12. Trying again. Nope. Maybe every third.
  13. Sorry about the boldtype. I'll count, but I think it is every other post I make.
  14. How far offtopic can we get? Sort of a statement about our society that "commentators"on the internet spend their time pontificating on this incident as something which passes as newsworthy. It now seems that every example of bad judgement and every poor decision anyone makes is documented, and put on a camera to be viewed by millions of people. I'm just glad no one followed me into the bathroom this morning after all those hot peppers I consumed last night. Just to get this thread shut down and to get my very first warning I will add my final thought: With the way the bus driver acted against this woman, he had to have been a Republican.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=fZOlL6pPq4E
  16. Norm told me it meant the topic was related to the women's volleyball team.
  17. Brynjar Brynjarsson might be a good fit and we would have Iceland sewed up. (actually I just like typing his name occasionally). And there the font change goes again! I swear I have no control over this.
  18. Gov. Did it make you feel just a little bit guilty for not renewing? That's why I have caller ID and know how to use it. And for those suffering from spousal dorkdum, this is a generic wifely response to anything which doesn't fall into their realm of interest. If you wish a higher rating, just start taking more interest in the specials at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
  19. Friendly as a village fair........ http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=KCTU_JtZabo
  20. I used to listen to the Cards back then too. Harry Caray and Joe Garagiola. Dizzy Dean and Buddy Blattner on the tv game of the week in those days.
  21. NebraskaRon: I remember seeing Gary Williams play point guard for the Terps in Allen Fieldhouse in the sixties. Now the Terps' head coach is an old KU point guard. What goes around comes around, huh?
  22. I take it you are a Cards fan, Birds. Congrats on a great comeback long after I went to bed. Hope you and Cip duke it out in the WS.
  23. Finally got around to reading the link. It is comforting to know there is still someone out there who wants to page Bobby Lutz.
  24. I think the occasional turd may add flavor to bland punch.
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