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Everything posted by jimmykc

  1. Tony Lamas are the best.
  2. Neubert played in the NFL for both the Jets and the Eagles, so he must have impressed somebody.
  3. You are right, Dale, maybe we'll just get lucky.
  4. UTEP 91 Oregon 84 3OT We will not win two in El Paso.
  5. I just hope nobody decides to check out Juarez while they are down there or else they may end up without anything to place the sombrero upon. Too bad since I spent lot of pleasant times over there back in the day.
  6. Nine wins more likely.
  7. Personally I would prefer to have a lot of small threads with titles to choose from than one very long one I have to scroll through for an hour since my computer loads so slowly now. But that is just me. At least I didn't start a thread to make this point.
  8. Andre is not an obese, Fat Albert type guy but, short of a serious illness, we will not see him on the underside of 300 while he is playing here no matter what he eats. I'm sure Jurgey makes a valid point. The human knee is not designed to carry that much weight pounding up and down a hardwood floor and I have no problem with coach Miles sitting him for extended periods when he is not contributing to a victory.
  9. Perhaps he now feels uncomfortable when you wear your Gandalf costume.
  10. It is also rumored that the teams will have taller rosters than any other league since the commissioner has mandated that all players must wear hats like he wears.
  11. It seems that Creighton would be a logical fit. And, by the way, I've heard that the Pope will be the new league's commissioner.
  12. Ok, then I won't plan to bring my hobbit feet avatar back for awhile.
  13. Cip, did you see it in 3D? It certainly appeared that the NU basketball team lacked a dimension yesterday.
  14. Groce is not as funny as Tim. You have to have a sense of humor to coach here.
  15. I thought the F grades were a bit high. Don't they give out F minuses any more? I had other places to be yesterday and thought I might wear out the fast forward button on this one.
  16. I think in this day of instant video posting, disgruntled players accusing coaches of verbal and physical abuse, sensitivity about the use of salty language, and extreme coddling of potential recruits that we will never again see practices which are open to the public. The risk/benefit ratio is just too high for the head coach and I could never understand Doc's reason for permitting it unless it was an attempt to prove that he was not "soft".
  17. I got some kind of spam when I went to this link. Isn't there some section on our new site which makes recent OWH and LJS articles available or has that disappeared?
  18. I think our rigorous standards committee is still awaiting the results of his 2010 homework to be faxed.
  19. Bump Michigan State and Wisconsin each up a notch and you have it about right. Oh, and don't forget to drop NU down a notch.
  20. Nice likeness, Husker Fever, now what the hell is your point.
  21. I hear there is one by the name of Syd Finch somewhere out there.
  22. Why not use some fictitious name as a header so that people know it is a new prospect? I would suggest using Stormageddon, the Lord of All, as the next attention grabber.
  23. Oregon 68 NU 54 We will be confused by the floor.
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