That’s all well & fine, but what I miss is getting up on a Saturday morning & DRIVING to an away game at Lawrence, Manhattan, Ames etc. Imagine if yer a West Virginia alum now in the Big XII, unless yer loaded, yer DONE going to away games...
I hear you, “monetizing” yer brand was inevitable once we started televising LeBron’s High School games, & I am glad we’re on the cutting edge of this, but you know the old saying, you don’t get a “little bit” pregnant.
Here’s a hypothetical I heard today, what if Adidas wants to use Adrian Martinez in a commercial? How much is the University involved financially & otherwise? What if Nike wants to use him in an Ad, or a local car dealership wants to use Lexi Sun...? I might be a lonely voice in the wind here, but this should’ve been left ALONE.
Looking forward to seeing if Dalano Banton is as polished & smooth as advertised. Will he be our “point forward” or will he be playing off the ball with Webster...?
They’ll have to announce any changes SOON especially regarding Football/Volleyball... ISU is allowing “only” 22,000 into Jack Trice Stadium which would actually be a typical crowd for every game other than Iowa.
Yep, I’ve seen a lot of the photos, people pitching in & helping out. It’s a special place, that’s what makes it especially hard to watch... I saw the Meat Puppets a couple of summers ago right behind the Minnehaha Liquor store that was burned down.
I lived in Minneapolis for 25 years, and to see streets & neighborhoods I know like the back of my hand, look like a Warzone makes me incredibly sad , better days ahead...
There’s speculation that this delayed start is REALLY in an effort to change the League start permanently to Christmas day. This is just people talking, (like Charles Barkley) who feels competing with College/NFL football has become a lost cause. For Basketball fans like us, that seems like kookie talk, but yer “casual” sports fan doesn’t tune in until Xmas so we’ll see...
UNL is skipping “fall break” in order to shorten the semester & minimize travel in an effort to deal with Covid-19. Just saw this on the news & have NO idea how it will directly affect the Sports schedule, but it has to be taken into account...
We’ll see, I DO appreciate the work you put into that elaborate format. Time is of the essence though, they’ll have to consider the beginning of NEXT season while trying to wrap this one up.
I grew up hunting/fishing with Russ Snyder who won a World Series with the ‘66 Orioles. Swept the defending Champion Dodgers of Koufax/Drysdale fame, and hardly if ever mentioned it...
You are correct Sir, in my advanced age I had mistakenly “combined” those two incidents. As unfortunate as the Father/Son attack was, I still can’t believe Pedro went after let’s face it, a fat old man.
Now there has been a 67 page “protocol manual” laid out for players concerning health issues. No spitting etc., getting down in the weeds on all these details is going to make it nigh impossible to get this season started. I’m more pessimistic than ever...