That was an oft quoted sentiment prior to 2000, especially by analysts who only did one Nebraska Basketball game a year. Remind me tho which one of these, Michigan, Notre Dame, Wisconsin, Ohio St. are Football or Basketball schools...
Former Vikings football coach Jerry Burns use to say, “Yer Big Knockers have to show up on Sunday” aka Difference Makers. We have a collection of role players or what would be complimentary players on a “Good” team. We don’t have any Big Knockers...
I listened to Carr on a Mpls sports station today, they’re chomping at the bit after a disappointing loss to Rutgers. If you’ll recall our last trip to the Barn it was 107 to not very much...
It saddens me to see us lumped in with such woebegone programs/records the likes of Northwestern after the halcyon days of yesteryear (2018-2019) when we were a Top 25 program on our way to a “disappointing” 19 win season...
They were speculating on the Ticket this morning, given the condensed nature of the schedule moving forward some games/teams (especially home/home) like Minnesota might be played in back to back days to restrict travel & get them all in. This team needs to play as much as possible or as circumstances will allow. Hopefully everyone is feeling better & we can scratch out a few Wins!
Puts a lot of things in perspective, hopefully everyone weathers the storm & we come out of it scarred but smarter (to quote an old Drivin’ & Cryin’ album)
I was concerned this might be the case, hoping for a speedy/full recovery. Moving forward a more coordinated Federal response should get vaccines to those most in need...
We knew this would be a likely scenario before the season started, but that doesn’t make it any easier for all parties involved. Hope everyone is Safe/Healthy & hopefully we can get some games in next week...