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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. We’re 6 of our last 30 shots...
  2. First time I met Coach Miles he said, “we’ve got plenty of shooters, but we need some MAKERS”.... same applies here.
  3. We better get a fire in our a**...!!!
  4. Well I’ll be a monkeys uncle, 32-28 Highlanders...
  5. Missed too many open looks, tied up now...
  6. Take the Huskers & lay the 15, we’re gonna beat em like they owe us money...!
  7. *As a side note: I spoke with a prominent “Media member” over the weekend who thought if we won 4 Conference games, Fred should win B1G Coach of the Year.
  8. I’ll never understand why this process isn’t more expediated. You would think it’s fairly cut & dried especially in this case. I can’t believe there’s a lot of debate back & forth about the merits of each waiver, or that they’re just backlogged to such a degree...
  9. That’s a Win/Win, he’s an engaging personality & knows what in the hell he’s talking about. Good for Tim...!
  10. Curtis looks every bit of a “Mr Basketball” might have kind of hitch in his giddy up with that jump shot, but it goes in. Cross has some handles for a man that size & wasn’t bashful about throwing up the 3 (which is good)!
  11. Hey, I predicted we’d hit 100 in at least 7 games this year WAY back in June....!
  12. Huskers 2019: “40 minutes of Heck”...
  13. I’m ready for the Samari Curtis show to begin...!
  14. I haven’t perused any of the traditional Athlon/Lindy’s publications nor any on-line material for that matter. Has anyone come across a preview they would recommend? Also, has the Plain Dealer pre-season poll come out & I just missed it...?
  15. Rothstein makes it sound like we were going up against Antoine Carr & Cliff Levingston...
  16. Did Stevenson play, how bout any of the Freshman Curtis, Eisley, Arop...?
  17. “Walk Up” music in basketball , I’m not sure if I’m ready for that yet. I DO miss the band playing Iron Man @ the Bob tho...
  18. I’ll bet a Sek Henry headband we win more than 17...!
  19. Who knew Steve Harley was such a beloved Cornhusker....? Thank God I didn’t say anything to slight Dave Hoppen, or even Bear Jones for that matter!
  20. I think it’s almost a given Arop will RS, and I don’t think it’s a real stretch to see Curtis up for B1G freshmen of the year...
  21. I wasn’t going out of my way to “dog” Steve Harley, but Green was one of the top JUCO’s in the Country & I’m hoping he fills more of a Petteway/Palmer role as far as a go to scorer. I don’t expect him to put up their type of numbers (at least this year) but I expect him to be more of a dynamic player than Harley ever was...
  22. If Jervay Green isn’t WAY better than Steve Harley, we’re in a lot of trouble...
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