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Everything posted by uneblinstu

  1. That's an interesting way to spell it... He wants to go by Abraham now, anyway. Moses Abraham.
  2. Just re-read it. It comes across as a little more jerkish than I intended it to. Sorry about that.
  3. We knew he was going to do that. Part of the reason they didn't do one of those team bonding trips.
  4. http://board.huskerhoopscentral.com/forum/4-the-haymarket-hardwood/ Home page was the wrong term, the main HHC board. We know quite a bit about the schedule.
  5. Go to the home page. Scroll to the top post. You'll find everything we know so far.
  6. It is a privilege, but it is also something you can earn. This team *should* expect to earn that privledge this season, IMO. The challenge will be different from last year's but that expectation shouldn't be lowered. I don't know if we have another MSU on the road win in us. That seems like a once in a decade type win. Plus the Wisconsin win was awesome but we really really had to earn that one. I was really impressed how both teams kept fighting. I don't think they'll need another MSU stunner if they don't drop silly games like they did early in the year or to Penn St. or Purdue. Those things will offset not knocking off a top ten team on the road. If Miles continues to build this team/program, those wins won't be as scarce, nor will they be monumental in the way that one was. We're looking to build to be that class of a program. If they don that, those games will be ones we expect and will be expected to compete in.
  7. I would be. You never want the bar to be lower than where you finished the previous year, especially when you've got the core of your team that got you there coming back.
  8. Hmmm...did Petteway get invited too?
  9. I know it's in the Media thread, but it should be in this thread every bit as much. http://www.omaha.com/huskers/barfknecht-husker-webster-works-to-vie-for-spot-with-new/article_d27d2359-11ba-5971-9ab7-7cc75187ec52.html
  10. Nope, since joining the Big Ten, every men's game has been available for viewing either online or on BTN or ESPN. Most games that were aired live on BTN.com eventually made it to BTN at least once. Our last season in the Big 12, if huskers.com is correct, there were 11 games that were radio only. No moving pictures of any sort, that included a couple of conference games.
  11. And it might mean Hammond won't redshirt.
  12. You'd make a good marketer.
  13. Why not end with something fun if you've got your work done? Not to mention that plays like this actually happen in basketball and can make the difference in games. (See: Michigan, Jan. 29, 2014)
  14. I wonder how long it's been since that particular fan has been in Lincoln. Thanks to the Arena and Haymarket Lincoln actually has some fun and pizzaz to it now. There are pizzaz now? I love pizza. Mellow Mushroom You guys are brutal..... piz·zazznoun \pə-ˈzaz\ : a quality or style that is exciting and interesting Oh, my bad. That guy was over in Brazil. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/soccer/bondy-world-cup-diary-hey-mike-piazza-f-filip-article-1.1830046
  15. I wonder how long it's been since that particular fan has been in Lincoln. Thanks to the Arena and Haymarket Lincoln actually has some fun and pizzaz to it now. There are pizzaz now? I love pizza. Mellow Mushroom
  16. Interesting. So where did this news come from? If so, I wonder if this is really a 2-1 deal, with the first game in Lincoln a couple of years ago? I was surprised RI would play us with no return game back then. Washut mentioned it on Sports Nightly tonight.
  17. This seems to be progressing to the point where he deserves his own thread.
  18. As someone who is going through the job search process, it's not so much that School A has better facilities than school B, it's that not having the facilities allows the recruit an easy excuse to move on, much like, a gap in my resume or a missing qualification, makes it easy for an employer to move on from a potential employee. Ultimately, it might not be the biggest factor, but it is part of the equation and if you can't offer it at all and the rest of your competitors can, it's difficult to compete.
  19. As see it, NU has the better practice facility, CU the better arena. Not for watching basketball.
  20. We knew there wasn't going to be a trip a while ago, though, didn't we?
  21. Don't fret the arms race. We not only have the Vault (perhaps the best home-court advantage in the B1G) and the practice facility (perhaps the best facility in the region, college or pro) . . . but we also have Tim Miles. Of all we have, Tim Miles is the trump card--no one else has anything close to a Tim Miles. I'm not fretting the arms race, just saying that other teams aren't going to let NU sit atop the heap with these things for long. If NU has more success over the next couple of years, I fully expect they'll do everything they can to keep up. I'm not worried.
  22. Well, they are just putting the finishing touches on this. It looks pretty spiffy. Not sure it's up to the Hendricks level, but it's pretty nice. http://www.omaha.com/creighton/creighton-s-championship-center-brings-wow-factor-for-recruits/article_26879436-edd2-11e3-bbec-0017a43b2370.html Keep in mind, other schools will catch up in facilities to Nebraska. We're on top for only so long. It's a perpetual arms race. Just because we might be now, doesn't mean we will be two years from now.
  23. Not gonna get to stirred up about that now. I'll willingly cross that bridge if we get there, though.
  24. Meh, I'm good with him calling it a regional. We're still getting this terminology down.
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