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Everything posted by lang

  1. Pretty cool, thanks for sharing this. By and large I’m not on social media, so fun to see little tidbits like this. Helps me to see how creative, bright and hard working these guys can be.
  2. I think that class had Maric, White ( #31, a guard can’t remember his first name…we were going to hire his uncle as an assistant), Marcus Walker, Kyle Marks, Chris Ballam. Additions, subtractions or corrections ? The two German guys ? Was it Barry’s second year we had the transfer PG from Duke ? I’m rambling sorry….
  3. Thanks for the reply! I sure hope this young man is grounded, in it for the long haul and loves dear old NU. Those things are going to be needed most likely, because of his age and his direct competition. My hunch is that he’s going to need patience and perseverance to have success here. Those are rare qualities these days ( certainly in this context ).
  4. I see that no one has responded to your two inquiries on this. What do you know ? Am I recalling correct that you have an optimistic outlook on his potential? Based on him being a bit younger and the fact that people aren’t going nuts about him, safe to say that most are not expecting him to play significant minutes next year. Since he’s from Lincoln, would be great if he turns into a success story. Given everything, there’s likely going to need to be some perseverance.
  5. Just fantastic to see this. Keep ‘em coming Fred !!
  6. Yeesh, I’m sure the young man has some ability, but he also has a helicopter dad? IIRC, when Ramel got fully healthy this year, his dad posted on his twitter account as such and pretty much the expectation from him was that Jr was going to very soon be in the rotation. I suspicioned that it wasn’t going to go like dad thought. We were already into the season and given how I thought Fred operated, I just didn’t see it happening. I’m not going to predict what he’ll do in his college career, I wouldn’t be surprised either way. I’ve seen both outcomes. He was pretty highly desired at one time. What a strange career at Nebraska.
  7. This is speculation on my part, but I’d bet money on it ( 10 bucks anyway ). Rice lead our team in scoring on the summer trip right? And I have very little doubt that he did his share of damage in practice from the get go as well. These young men rarely lack confidence and they think they should be playing. By and large, he didn’t play. You don’t think he thought he was better than so and so ? There you have it, he ain’t sticking around to get the shaft again. Right or wrong ( in Rice’s thinking ), that’s my strong hunch of his thought process.
  8. I’m afraid nobody’ll listen to our great ideas
  9. Good to hear from you Hugh ! Sounds like we were both there ( I referenced this one in mine). Almost positive it would have been the same season. Do you remember Andre blowing a few dunks at the end ? Pretty sure that year the first round Big 8 post season game was at home vs Colorado and JoJo Hunter went off for 37 or so and upset us.
  10. Too radical of a change for the masses and it would play somewhat into HuskerFever’s fear of making the regular season more meaningless. But as I reread and think about it….hmmm.
  11. That was QUITE a game and a heart breaker. We were 16 for 37 from 3 IIRC.
  12. My first was in 78? ( I’d have been 10 ). We played K-State and Rolando Blackman IIRC. Couldn’t tell you if we won ( I think we did though). There was a play were Carl McPipe or Andre Smith tried to save a ball on the sideline. It was the old turn and throw it off the opposing team’s closest player before you go out of bounds. The ball hit the K State player right in the face ( and… it went out of bounds off him). Those two players instantly were slapping hands ( that was a few years before “high five-ing” believe it or not)…as if to unashamedly say “ that was a bad ass play and we don’t care what happened to that dudes face”. I think Ro Blackman airballed a free throw in that game ( any chance anyone remembers that ?). A few years later some friends ( thanks Dan and Tim ) took us to a few games. They would sit way at the top, dead center and brought a pencil or pen to keep stats in the program. I thought it was cool, so I did that a few years too. My next big memory was I believe Andre Smith’s Sr year. My older bro got us tickets to a home game late in the season vs Ok State. They were in First place in the conference at the time. The Bob was electric that night. We were milking a lead late. Andre kept getting free for easy buckets as OSU was chasing, trying to make a steal. IIRC, Andre missed 3 dunks in the last couple minutes…but we still won. And on it goes, fun memories. Larger than life at the time.
  13. I’d be totally on board with this. I do like the idea however of some having byes and some sort of play down at the start. 128 would too radical for some. How about top 32 and then another 64 play down to 32 and reseed into final 64 ?
  14. Here’s a proposal that would maybe satisfy the “ don’t expand the dance b/c it will water it down” crowd ( which is most ? ). Why not have your top 48 in. Then have an NIT type field of 64. Play 2 rounds and get that to 16 and seed those with the 48 into your 64 field. Ideally eliminate any other tournaments. Ideally you go out of your way to include solid mid majors as apposed to just loading more major conference teams in ( some certainly)…. I think this would be super cool. Change can be good !
  15. Bernard Day and Chris Logan !! Nicely done fellas. I missed two huge pieces there. Day was a beast of a player his two years here. Both Juco’s, both played bigger than they were ( had to ).
  16. I’m gonna be a little contrary on that…others can correct if I’m wrong. You are correct pre season Moe and the squad got caught practicing early. Anyhow, went onto have a pretty good season and then Hoppen got hurt out at Colorado with 6-10 games to go. The guys regrouped and earned that NCAA bid. Some of the guys on that team would have been-> Carr, Harvey Marshall, Ronnie Smith, Claude Renfro, Bill Jackman, John Matzke, Anthony Bailous ? Need help again, anyone ? Too lazy to look it up and that’s not as fun.
  17. That’s what I remember too…up most of the game. Some turnovers and bad fortune late to Nolan Richardson’s club. I’m trying to test my memory tonight… regulars that year -> Lue, Belcher, Flourance, Hamilton, Markowski? Chad Johnson? Rodney Fields ?…need some help, anyone ?
  18. Been a Husker hoops fan for close to 45 years. Not as rabid as I once was, but still enjoy following the team ( despite the college game including the crazyness of NIL and constant transferring etc ). I joke with my friends that I’m not truly a fan anymore ( short for fanatic, which I don’t think I am ). For me it’s now more a fun hobby or distraction. So back to Norm’s OP, yea I would be VERY happy to get that stupid Monkey off our backs. Sure I’d love to win a game or two in the BIG tourney, but that is crazy insignificant for me ( compared to getting to the Sweet 16 for example). Sweet 16 is my dream, but for the love of all things Husker Hoops just win ONE baby !!
  19. Jeff Grayer was a flippin stud !
  20. Harley was a pretty salty player ( starter ) on our “mighty mites” team that gave people all kinds of trouble. That team played their butts off. Still remember that heartbreaker at home vs A & M.
  21. Yea those rascals won a game in the dance that year and we got upset as a 3 seed to Xavier with eligibility issues ( Farmer ? ) hanging over our head (right up until game day?). Could have got that monkey off our back waaay back then….there’s a ton of disgustingness right there and that was back in ‘91….grrrr
  22. Steve Harley ?? Only if “ which one of these is not like the others”.
  23. What Norm said “ I don’t think we have top 5 or 6 talent in the league. I think we have decent pieces that compliment each other well…” etc. And I’d agree, so what our staff has done in the last 12-13 months is pretty remarkable.
  24. I don’t think so, he ain’t monkeying around with lineups starting a long time ago in the season.
  25. For all 200 people that were there -ha !
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