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Everything posted by REDitus

  1. 1) Mack, Green 2) Burke, Banton 3) Allen,Thor 4) Stevenson, Cross or Arop 5)Yvan, Walker or Cross
  2. Good deal. Glad to have him back. We need him. I also think it is appropriate that he should have to earn his spot back. Not sure Thor will relinquish it. Thor has been playing well. I must eat crow as I was critical of Thor's shot. I will also say that I think he has changed how he shoots so I get to save a little face. I kind of like a scorer in Green coming off the bench. I thought it would be Kavas but it has not. I think Green coming off the bench can spell Mack and give him a little rest as well as either the 2 or 3 so he gives them a versatile bench piece for now. We shall see if it remains that way.
  3. Thanks for the recap. I am sure he will find a spot. Who knows he may even end up back here like Allen.
  4. This is an odd thread that has not stayed on point and people are coming out of oblique directions. It's too confusing for this old brain. I just want to reiterate I am glad we got Teddy. Welcome home. Stayed focused and good things will happen.
  5. I would like to see Nebraska get a point guard for the 2020/2021 class. I think Tominaga could maybe play point in a pinch but I think he would be better off the ball. Green is an upperclassmen and I could see Mack going after his junior year so we could use a young point guard in the system. Get a good point to to along with Banton. To me that is my number 1 priority. Also wouldn't mind getting a center in 2021. A freshmen to step in when Walker is gone. I think Cross is a 4. After that it's Best available player.
  6. I like the Allen pickup. He strikes me as an unconscious scorer when watching his film. He can throw it in from anywhere. Good fit for the Hoiberg offense. I think the other stuff is behind him. Support him and encourage him with a clear set of firm rules&expectations and I think he will be fine.
  7. You raise good points Norm. One thing about next year is that they are adding another big body in Walker. Yvan,Cross and Arop will have a year under their belt (weight room) and college experience. Plus Stevenson will be playing. Delano is 6-8 so he can help rebound as well. I expect the rebounding to improve for those reasons. I hope shooting improves. They will continue to work at it so there's always hope. I believe I see some changes in what players are doing this year vs last so I am encouraged!
  8. I voted no in the poll. I do not think they will make any tournaments. I do have optimism for next year and the past couple of games give us a glimpse of what it can be. I never had any expectations for this year other than I expect to see some progress as the year goes along. I think we are seeing that. I like the spacing and ball movement. The faster tempo is fun.
  9. I like the fact that they are using the G league to test new ideas to better the game. This is another new idea I have not heard about.
  10. Saw this suggestion on another board and while I am not necessarily an advocate I thought it would be an interesting topic because I am tired of games running long and cutting into the televised start of Nebraska games due to the constant fouling & Freethrow shooting at the end of the games. I know the "Elam Ending" was discussed but I don't remember if the penalty box idea was discussed. Here are some links about the 2. Would be interested to see where people land on this. https://www.si.com/vault/1958/03/10/572416/basketball-with-a-penalty-box https://www.si.com/nba/2018/04/26/tbt-basketball-nick-elam-jon-mugar-earl-boykins
  11. Guarding a lefty initially always took a little bit of an adjustment for me. Not on the floor on the dribble but more with defending the turnaround jumpshots and trying to block their shots. It always felt a little unnatural guarding them at first. Anyone else feel that way?
  12. You make a valid point but I will also say that Hoiberg says he has a position-less offense so Williams could get time at the wing. (And he has enough size to guard wings as well) Regardless you point is well made and competition for minutes will be tough next year.
  13. Welcome Keisei! Hoiberg's offense will be a great fit for you.
  14. Very reasonable stance. Following that line of thinking could also give you.. Burke Cheatham Stevenson Kavas Cross Shoot - I think I like this lineup the best. Lets go with this one instead of my prior one.
  15. Just for the Europe trip...the first line up could be... 1) Burke - Either 1 or a 2 he will be a pain for the other team where ever he plays. 2) Thor - Going with prior experience/international experience here. This will change through time. 3) Cheatum - Good defense, good offense & good leadership. Sounds like a starter 4) Kavas - Coaches said he moves the ball well & his shooting history is established 5) Stevenson Matchup issue for other team. We will see who this favors. I decided to not start Blanton or Walker as they have to redshirt this year. They will get some minutes but I think they will try and prep&favor the guys that are eligible to play this year. I think Green will start instead of Thor in the 2nd game.
  16. "They like the tight fit."
  17. Bolt was not the hitting coach for 2018. He did assist with hitting. Seely was the primary hitting coach for 2018. Bolt was the hitting coach in prior years. Okay we know a few more things on how they are going to split duties. I am still making a few assumptions but here is the latest... Bolt - Head Coach. Bench manager and will help out with hitting. Infield Harvell Recruiting coordinator. He will have an emphasis to recruit position players & hitters. 3rd base coach & run the offense Primary Hitting coach Outfield Christy Pitching coach Catchers Will have emphasis on recruiting pitchers (and I assume catchers) Some of this will change a little bit when they formalize that 3rd coaching position. Some stuff is still an assumption as I have not seen it or heard it from our media or huskers.com Sounds like the recruiting philosophy will change a little. The old philosophy had evolved to be ...recruit players that were all-around players with all around skill sets. The new philosophy will be recruit players that have a great skill, maximize and take advantage of that skill and then blend it with others that have different skill sets.
  18. I have seen those A&M fans comments as well but I saw in the Bio's that Seely is the hitting coach and Bolt runs the offense. It could be that Bolt was the hitting coach to begin with and his duties changed? I think Harvell would be the hitting coach for the new staff? I am guessing but I would say.. Bolt - HC 3rd base coach & Offensive Coach. Infield Harvell - Assistant Head Coach Recruiting Coordinator & national recruiting Outfield Hitting Coach Christy - Pitching Coach Catchers Local recruiting & assist with national recruiting Ledbetter - Volunteer Coach First Base coach First Base & Help with Catchers on campus recruiting & camps This is all a guess.
  19. The pitching coach pick is interesting I can understand it from one perspective... From what I remember Christy called his own games. (That doesn't happen too often at Nebraska) He has a knack for it. He also did well in calling a couple of games at A&M when Childress got ejected and attended his daughter's graduation at UNL. Also former catchers learn how to manage a staff through first hand observation and how to handle hitters. Old catchers make good coaches in general. From a head scratching perspective for me ..I am not sure how much he knows about pitching mechanics&developing different pitches. I don't know enough to have any idea on how that works. Pretty much clueless. What I find interesting is that Bolt served on staff with Christy and Silva for 3 years at Nebraska and he chose Christy to be the pitching coach. Is that because he wanted a fresh staff at Nebraska? Does he get along better with Christy? Is Silva tired of his current position? Maybe Christy is that good? Maybe this has more to do with the recruiting coordinator duties and Lance Harvell. Maybe Christy can recruit locally better than Silva and Harvell is a top notch recruiting coordinator. It could be the overall combination of skills across the staff are better this way. Time will tell.
  20. I am in agreement with LK1's line of thinking. I thought Burke played the best in last year's intersquad scrimmage. HIs overall game is good. He is a very quick and was good on defense and getting to the hoop for score and rebounds. His 3pt shooting is good enough that you have to respect it and when you play up on him he will go by you. Hard to leave him out of the lineup for me. I think Cheatham is going to get starter+ minutes as the 6th man and as a result I don't think Curtis and Thor will get a lot of minutes. They will play reduced minutes but more minutes than the scout players Kavas will be instant offense coming off the bench and be the 7th guy. I think he gets significant minutes but not starter minutes due to his defense. I think Yvan is in the rotation for major minutes as the 8th guy. Mainly because we need a 2nd enforcer&rebounder. I think Cross wins the start as he is a bit more polished and less likely to turn the ball over. (traveling) but I think Yvan is very strong and powerful and when he gets settled in and gets a year or 2 under his belt, he could win the starting job. I would like to see Arop redshirt. Lack of college experience puts him behind Kavas&Cheatham to begin with. His best shot for playing time is at the 4 but he will need to get bigger&stronger. For playing time at the 3 he needs to improve his outside game. Roby going pro, Thor goes international pro next year. He may even change his mind and do it this year? Scout team: Banton(rs) Easley Jace Arop(rs) Walker(rs)
  21. https://admin.gobearcats.com/news/2019/3/21/mens-basketball-hoard-mr-ohio-basketball-curtis-loves-to-compete.aspx
  22. Point taken. I didn't really think about that as I was focused on Thor specifically.
  23. His Iceland shooting was horrible especially his shot selection. His form bugs the crap out of me! That's why I had to post. IMHO Thor will never be a high percentage shooter until he changes his shooting grip and shot selection. I am basing this mostly off his play at FIBA. He puts his off hand either on top of the ball or way high on the ball. It reminds me of the claw that Baron Von Rasky used to do. Occasionally it will be on the side but not very often. This means he has to take his top hand off the ball really earlier to shoot the ball. That means he's shooting one handed shots with no guidance from the off hand. Notice where his fingers are pointing on his off hand and where his off hand is. His fingers are pointing up. His off hand is sometimes behind the ball or at angle on the side and behind. I think he would be better served to have his off hand on the side of the ball with the fingers in line with the hoop. Then when you shoot the ball it is somewhat sliding along the offhand inline with the basket at the start of the shot or at the least it's lined up pointing at the basket. Everything should point at the basket as far as hands IMO. 2nd he has his shooting elbow sticking out at an angle. Very hard to be consistent with your shot when your form is different because your elbow is sticking out at different angles. Much easier to be consistent if your elbow is tucked in and your arm is in line with the basket. Third he has it flat on his palm which makes for a slower release. I was taught not to have it laying flat on your palm. Now I have seen some good shooters that do it that way and they were okay so this is not as eggregious perhaps but I think it does make for a slower release. The link has some photos. Photos 30,56,57 and 58 are important in this discussion. Unfortunately I couldn't find a good example with both hands on the ball. There are a lot of ways to shoot a ball and if you have good muscle memory and shoot enough any form can work but for putz's like me it helps to have good form. It's like golf. Grip means a lot as errors can compound easily. http://www.huskers.com/PhotoAlbum.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=100&SPID=24&BIO_PLAYER_ID=3119586&KEY=
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