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Everything posted by hal9000

  1. It's still a head scratcher though, as to how other teams can come in here and seemingly shoot out of their minds.
  2. Nebraska 64 St. John's 66 Please prove me wrong.
  3. Statistics kind of explain the game. But the most important statistic is 1-0.
  4. And now the Leavy McLeaversons make their exit. Never fails. Close game? Bah! Gotta beat that traffic.
  5. Want expecting dry mouth for this game.
  6. I can already see this is going down to the wire.
  7. From the film I've seen of Xavier thus far, he WILL play right away.
  8. Huskers 83 E. Illinois 72 10 Non cons 18 Overall
  9. " Vituperative." I had to look that one up. Thanks Norm.
  10. That would be wonderful. I confess I've had visions of years from now my sons standing over my my grave, weeping with tears of joy because the Huskers finally won a tournament game (a-la Cubs fans when they finally won the W.S.). God, I hope it doesn’t take that long. Boy, that's depressing, ain't it?
  11. The game will come to each individual, at his own time, according to his mental and physical gifts. Not everyone, certainly not freshman, are ready the first time they step on the court. I think we saw a perfect example of this last night. For Thomas Allen, it came almost instant. Granted he's still got a ways to go, but he's definitely ready to play now. Nana and Thor were both trying to make things happen, and have things come to them naturally and instinctively, as it did for them in high school, but at this point for them the hill to climb is more mental than physical.
  12. i suggest boxing out drills tomorrow.
  13. Preface: This post is based solely off of last year and previous year's performances, and I'm making no references to this year's squad. Jones, I have to say that the offense I come away most impressed with (at least in terms of its execution) is Michigan's. I admit that I don't see them play much other than when we play them, but when we do it always seems like their offense is a well oiled machine. The key seems to be how well their players move without the ball. The ball is always moving, they use screens, back door cuts, dribble drives and kick outs. They're just so efficient at getting the ball to the open man for the shot. It's very team oriented, assists are aplenty, and three point shots are high. I read the Beilein runs a Princeton style offense, which I guess surprised me a little, because I always thought of it as being a slow it down, half court, low scoring offense. But their offense seems to me to be pretty high octane (or at least it is when they play us ) Anyway, so with our offense, which is a motion oriented, dribble drive style offense, I'm sure is very team oriented too, but I don't know if it is our execution of it or what, but it seems to me that it ends up being a lot of one on one situations, and not an over abundance of kick outs or passes to open guys for the three. I know I'm simplifying things here, but perhaps you can share your thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses of our dribble drive concept. Are there areas where you think our execution needs improvement, or are we running it pretty good, but we're just not making our shots? Are their any similarities to the Princeton style? Are there things we could be doing to get guys more open shots?
  14. Jim was the best!
  15. Pretty sure at one point he said 'Isaiah Copeland.' So there's that.
  16. Husker win baby
  17. Final 38 36 White
  18. Tied at 36
  19. Bout a minute 30 left
  20. 34 - 32 White
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