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Everything posted by hal9000

  1. One game at a time. Now let's win the next one.
  2. Matt Davidson is ready to throw down
  3. Common opponent, UNO. Tulane 76 UNO 52. Gonna be a close one I think, but... Nebraska 67 Tulane 64
  4. I agree with you Norm, and wondered this myself. It seems that based on the current grading scheme, we’re due for a lot of F’s in the future. Dave is certainly at liberty to grade how he wants, but if it were me, I would have to factor in the level of talent we have on our roster. Not trying to knock our guys mind you. They do need to be down-graded for the amount of three’s they took ( and missed), but FWIW, UNO did give us a lot of open looks.
  5. Need those shots to drop during actual games. That's been his problem. Let's hope he can knock 'em down this year.
  6. http://huskerhoopscentral.activeboard.com/m708049/profile/
  7. Greetings and felicitations.
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