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Everything posted by cornfed24-7

  1. Color me skeptical. Maybe the lowest tier pro ball. What does that even pay? Is it even worth it? If memory serves he comes from a family that values education with all his siblings with professional degrees. Get started on his while someone else is footing the bill. Also, when you're from Iceland "closer to home" is kinda relative.
  2. College paid for. 23 years old. Probably has all the credits he needs for graduation. Not playing pro. Only responsibility is basketball. I'd sign on for another year of that if they'd let me. I think Hoiberg lets Thor stay if he wants to stay.
  3. Man...for what this season is that was a great game to watch. Teddy Allen put on a clinic on how to score the rock. Wish he'd got the win and the record. That was fun
  4. I'm all on board for Teddy droppin' FIDDY!
  5. For real. Gotten so used to a game at least every other night now that they have 2 days rest it has me wandering around the house like...
  6. That's a solid no from me Johnny
  7. But isn't that what these games essentially are right now? I want want a win just as bad as anyone. But what does it matter at this point? These guys have an opportunity to fix mistakes from a game two days later in another game. The coaches get to see who's taking coaching nearly instantly. Is it ideal? Of course not. All we have left for this season is silver linings. I am hoping to see some legitimate growth with this condensed schedule. These guys get to "practice" against some of the best competition in the NCAA.
  8. This board may implode
  9. But if you look at the bright side we are equally bad in both! Don't ask me why that's the bright side. Its all I got
  10. Yvan with the little under dippty doo. I see a kid getting coached and listening to some coaching. Makes me happy
  11. Nobody with Yvan and the baby hook?!? My man! More of that.
  12. Actually, if there are any other 5 star players with a brother as good as Trey I would contend its a better strategy to get the 5 star with a brother than the 5 star without one
  13. This. Each game I gain more optimism. My eyes are showing me they are getting better. I guess I am not sure what others expectations were for this season. I know people hate thinking that the current season is for building the team for next season. I see a nucleus of players that are just a player and some game experience away from being a pretty solid team.
  14. This is the kind of hatred and pettiness I can get behind
  15. Man I'm seeing the exact opposite. I am really excited about the talent level on this team. Is there a bunch to clean up? Sure. Do they look like they have only played 5 games together as a team? Most definitely. I am taking the outlook with basketball like I did with football this year. The Covid season is 27 scrimmages and its only purpose is to get better for the start of next season.
  16. But this is what your subconscious is thinking
  17. I feel dirty even saying it, but I love the move. Its bush league. Don't care. If after 5 games you don't have it in your scouting report that he does that thats on you. To your comment about getting T'd up for the move. My wife and I were discussing it last night(she HATED the move). My thoughts were so long as he doesn't do it any more egregiously than the way he did it the 1st time last night (it was soooo bad) he'll be fine. Its the rule. Can't just go making up technical fouls. Also, it makes me LOVE him as a player. He has to know doing that is going to make him a target for hard fouls, cheapshots, and generally the other teams best shot. He doesn't care. Goes out and busts his hump a D. I love it. And I love he is on our team
  18. My thinking is this - I must preface this with I have no idea how good Oregon is. I just assume that are comparable, in talent, to at least one other Big 10 school. So. This game will better prepare is for the conference slate. If the Big 10 is gonna be as good as many on this board believe then I just don't see the benefit in some incarnate scrub team. PLUS how cool would it be to see this match up! Come on 2020 throw us a curveball!
  19. He hustles. He looks to me like he leaves it all out on the court every time he plays. I think thats why I like him so much. I like what he brings to the table on D. He looks stronger and able to hold his position better this year. And there is no question in my mind he will get stronger each offseason. He's going to play again a lot this year by default. That experience will pay dividends one day. And hey, I'm a Nebraska Basketball fan, I'm patient. I can wait. Been doin' it for years
  20. Of course. But that doesn't mean they hold no value. Also, how else would you form an opinion? Maybe you have access to more info. I don't. I read the paper, message boards, basically any info I can get my hands on including social media posts and go from there.
  21. Sure, videos of him jumping, basketball drills, the way his body looks. Not sure why one wouldn't.
  22. I am by no means ready to write him off. Those hands though. I just don't see that changing much regardless where he trains. My hopes there have been dashed.
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