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Everything posted by cornfed24-7

  1. I'm out here in Southern California and frankly college sports are an afterthought of an afterthought. I'd imagine thats the same for most large media markets. My thinking is this. Small market teams with rabid fan bases will probably have more players make a nice chunk of change. While large market teams will make a few players a ridiculous amount of coin.
  2. Thats kinda my point. Give him that seven years. Have some patience. Try and build something. I think judging now is pointless.
  3. So many variables between here and there. I really have no idea. I hope you see some discernable evidence these next two seasons and its a moot point. I wouldn't take a position one way or another at that point.
  4. I did not. He's a hall of famer. I get it. But to just look at his record ignores people thought he wasn't the one for job when he couldn't beat Oklahaoma, the Flordia teams, his bowl woes, the big one. I have no idea if Frost is the guy. But to think he, or anyone, was gonna turn this ship around by this year is ridiculous. Winning record sure. Not unreasonable. But to have this program competitive to win our division? Pfft 5-7 the big ten 7-10. Point is I think people are impatient with unrealistic expectations.
  5. So do you fire Frost this year is he doesn't meet this arbitrary time line?
  6. I do not. But I tend not to compare apples to oranges.
  7. Dr. Osborne would disagree.
  8. There's no disagreement from me that a coach is important. My argument is the time lines people like you put on the coaches is unrealistic. You seem to think Nebraska was not a shell of the the program it once was when Frost took over. I disagree. I assume you think a pandemic in the beginning of a major rebuild has no effect on the time line. I disagree. You hold Synder as your example. Hysterically, we fire coaches that achieve his success.
  9. Such a simple view. It can't possibly be their proximity to fertile recruiting grounds in Texas. Its was only the coach. Thats all we need here, the "right" coach.
  10. How long did it take Oklahoma, Alabama, or currently Michigan? I shake my head at people who can't see how far Nebraska has fallen and how long it will take to build them back.
  11. I guess my thoughts on Frost and where the football team was when he got here are/were he needs about a decade.
  12. It's not about medals or trophies for me...I do it purely for the love of the game
  13. I agree, but I also watch an absurd amout of curling during the Winter Olympics so I feel I have no room to talk. Also the Olympics are my favorite sporting event so if an individual has the opportunity to represent thier country that takes priorty for me over all else.
  14. But if we start tournament play Thursday and they start tournament play Friday then...
  15. Enlighten please me because I am still staring at it
  16. And it will take until about the 5th or 6th made 3 before we stop letting him get wide open.
  17. If he's lucky enough to be in situation where he's is offered a multiple year contract in the NBA he's signing the contract.
  18. The real question is what toppings are on the Nebraska Supreme?
  19. Man, I could be totally wrong but the way I remember Jamel was ready to jump ship and to get him to stay his uncle was hired. But, any info I would have got is from this message board so it is what it is.
  20. I swear I remember Nebraska doing this exact thing before. Someones Uncle I think.
  21. If you're really chugging the koolaid then you would know these two happen in the same season
  22. I would bet my last dollar we would fret more
  23. That injury just wreck him.
  24. But its not like they haven't evaluated these players before. They're not starting from scratch. Pull up their old file and sprinkle in a bit of new analysis. Also, its not like these services are all that accurate. You seem to be disregarding that a portion of what these services provide is nothing more than entertainment value. People WANT that information. And many are willing to pay for it. A startup makes the least sense for the reasons you stated. But the established players already have a vast network in place and I don't know that the investment to evaluate transfers is as insurmountable as you seem to think. My guess is these companies are probably exploring this right now to see if its viable or not. With the portal and the rule changes this is all uncharted waters. One thing I do know is if there is even the hint that money can be made they're sure as hell gonna try
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