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Everything posted by cornfed24-7

  1. Yup. My other pair got ripped off my face recently. Within the hour as a matter of fact
  2. Hahaha you can taste an IPA before the beer bottle touches your lips.
  3. Man. From that video it looks like if teams try to shadow him this season it won't really matter. This kid is gonna be MONEY this year. An absolute bucket. I feel it in my soul! Try and stop him.
  4. While traditionally I would agree with this, but times have changed. It ain't about academics anymore. The problem for Cal and Stanford is there are no schools left that those two would consider as equals. Maybe they try to go as independents, but they still need teams to play for all their other sports.
  5. For me it was just going to a couple games the 1st year it opened. Haven't been back since. Damn it's been a decade. My wife(then girlfriend)and I planned a whole trip around coming back to Nebraska to see two games. A Wednesday/Saturday sequence. It was the first time she had been to Nebraska in Winter. The 2nd time total. It was January. She was born and raised in Southern Cal. Was prepping her about the brutal winters. Was mildly excited to see her reaction to a frigid Nebraska winter day. It was in the 60's the whole time we were there. An unexpected warm front. Only time I've been disappointed about a warm Nebraska winter day
  6. The food that fuels us here at HHC
  7. This is a good conference. It fits regionally. California - Southern, Central, and Northern(Each one is like it's own unique state), Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Nevada,and Colorado. This could easily work. I like it. I think this conference, give it a decade, could give the Big 12 a run for its money. In terms of competitivness. I like it.
  8. I saw a couple of articles that layed out the scenarios between those two conferences. PAC taking the MWC, the MWC taking the PAC, the MWC disbanding so certain teams, not all, can join the PAC, and teams leaving the MWC to join the PAC. Apparently It's a tricky situation with exit fees, TV contracts, automatic bids, and potential lawsuits no matter witch path those teams choose. But each article thought keeping the PAC name was the best alternative however the teams got there.
  9. Nice https://nebraska.rivals.com/news/nebraska-adds-transfer-guard-jarron-coleman
  10. If it can't be monetized it has no value. Damn everything else.
  11. My wife is Jewish; It's a sign! I dig it. I just need to get rid of a pod and tweak the other three. 1st thought is kick Rutgers and Maryland over to the Pac 10 schools and call it a day.
  12. Cornfeds dream scenario for a 24 team Big Ten. 4 six team pods. Pod 1 USC, UCLA, Oregon, Washington, Stanford, Cal Pod 2 Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Northwestern Pod 3 OSU, Michigan State, Michigan, Penn St., Indiana, Purdue Pod 4 Rutger, Maryland, FSU, Miami, Clemson, North Carolina ***Fπ€K Notre Dame
  13. My preference would be that it ends up as pods. 24 teams. Pods of 4 or 6. Top 2 teams (could be from the same pod) play for the championship. I want this because it gives teams a chance to win their pod. Something to play for in the madness of 24 teams. Kind of a nod to the way it was. My dream pod is Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
  14. I agree. What I think happens though. Is when we reach the super conference times. Give it about 5 years. Then Notre Dame is not going to be able to schedule as many "marquee" match ups. Teams won't want to schedule Notre Dame. Makes no sense. Why make it harder to get to the playoffs? Especially when you get all the "good" games you need in conference. Now some teams still will. But not enough to have a network shell out the money that makes staying independent as profitable as being apart of the super conferences.
  15. Because I think we're talking about, at least, 20 team mega divisions. And when those divisions start scheduling it's gonna be conference games and sacrificial lambs only.
  16. This is my thought. I think 24 is the magic number. 6, 4 team pods, or 4, 6 team pods, or 3, 8 team divisions, or 2, 12 team divisions.
  17. Should probably tweek that to "Power 3”
  18. Yeah I'm not so sure about that. I keep seeing a bunch of articles with people mentioning FSU to the SEC is a non starter because of Florida. Is see the same thing about Clemson because of the Gamecocks. Now I have no idea how the SEC bylaws work. If Florida or South Carolina has veto power? Maybe the calcus has drastically changed recently. But I do see this mentioned frequently.
  19. I am a traditionalist in the sense I long for going back to, a minimum, the days of Big 12. Preferably the days of the Big 8. That is what, I think, the lens of history will view as when college athletics was perfect. Having said that. I LOVE adding UO and UW. The past is dead! I hope they get right back on it after these 2 additions and figure out how to get Stanford, Cal, FSU, and Miami. To paraphrase Bruce Willis in "Armageddon" "You guys are the Big Ten. You probably have a room of people right now just thinking shit up. And a group behind them just thinking shit up." The time of super conferences is upon us! Get it done Big Ten.
  20. I have a nearly 3 y.o and a 3 month old. I haven't been anywhere since like late 2019
  21. Never heard of Sam the cooking guy until this thread. Saw on the San Diego Union-Trubune he was doing something in Little Italy here in San Diego. I was like hmmm that's a weird coincidence. I should Google this dude. THEN I learned this dude does a morning segment here IN San Diego. Hahahaha I'm oblivious.
  22. Maybe this year Wilcher is the guy we thought he would be last year. That'd be pretty sweet.
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