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Everything posted by cornfed24-7

  1. Yeah. He looks like a kid that could add some wieght and just LEVEL someone.
  2. Had a big long conversation with my father about my irrational fear that we're going lose this because we're Nebraska and that's what we do. And it did not happen
  3. Tominaga has an off night and we get double digits and 4 steals.
  4. Could be construed as an insult. Bay leaves - Not really sure what it does, but everyone swear it makes it better. Hell or a compliment
  5. Forget big guy passer. Walker is just an elite passer period. My vote for what we miss most next year.
  6. I hope, and am glad, they're getting this out at home on Minnesota.
  7. Yeah he's taking shots Tominaga should be taking if we're just jacking up 3's. Even with how tight they're guarding him. And I am not advocating for that game plan.
  8. Wilcher. My man. Great takes to the hole do NOT need to be followed up with I'll advised 3's
  9. This roster is infinitely more talented than I gave it credit for at the beginning of the season.
  10. This made me curious. How old are his kids? Because SJSt is about an hour from Cal. Cals last coach made between 1 mil - 2 mil. Definitely enough to stay in the area if you want to for continuity for the kids
  11. Alright. So here it is. Brother finally sent Christmas gift out this way. Got a new Nebraska hat! The dilema. If we lose today it is undoubtedly cursed and I can't wear it for game days ever again. We win and...
  12. Nor had the man from the land of the rising sun awaken the ghosts of his ancestors.
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