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Everything posted by cornfed24-7

  1. And the silver lining is if we do get questionable reffing... we've seen it. It shouldn't derail us at all
  2. Damn. One regular season game left. Sure goes fast when you're team is good
  3. You can tell his Daddy's here! TOMINAGA!
  4. I don't know man. When we do we get mugged an they don't call a foul.
  5. Welp the Basketball Gods have reared their sinister heads. It's looking highly probable I will not be witnessing our 1st Tournament win. In 2020 I was having some odd cardiac issues. Had a complete workup. Everything looked great. Except the heart monitor I wore for 2 week caught 2 short runs of Vtac. For the medically uninformed that's no bueno and why I was feeling like I was about to pass out. The treatment is to place an internal defibrillator. Which my Cardiologist and I thought was a little drastic. Being a nurse, and like many men in general, I waited waaaaay too long before I actually saw a Dr. and by the time I did it had gotten much better. Well guess what has come back in the last two weeks? Spent the morning in the Emergency Room. Damn near passed out driving home from the grocery store today. See the Cardiologist on Mar 19. Obviously health is most important. But I really must have pissed off the bball gods in a past life because the timing of this feels personal
  6. A continuation of buy-in to the system by the players, Quality depth, and avoiding TWO possible catastrophic injuries.
  7. I really want to win the BigTen Tournament go Maryland!
  8. And I much prefer it that way
  9. All I'm saying is from what I've seen his most recent contemporaries in the fired up department is somewhere between Bob Ross and Mr. Rodgers
  10. Focus groups royally screw it up all the time. Crystal Pepsi, New Coke, etc...
  11. Holysmokes, I too am a 43yo that has made that same blood oath! You asked all the questions that have been rattling around in my brain as of late. I'm in San Diego and my worst fear is Brooklyn. I have 2 small children and can't justify the gamble in where the game may end up. So I have to leave it up to fate. My hope is Omaha then Salt Lake. When I first met my now wife, on our second date, I told her my two deal breakers in a realationship. (1) I would be going to wherever Nebraska played if they made the tournament because I will see their 1st tournament win. I tell her every year that this is the year! San Antonio was easy because we were childless. Shit has got real for her this last couple weeks knowing she's gonna have the kids alone for 5ish days. (2) When I could buy a house I will have another Mastiff...his name is William. He's 5 and between 245 - 255 depending on the day
  12. Yeah. It was really noticeable early on. Much less so recently. I've come to the conclusion that it's not animosity, but their styles of play just don't mesh together as well as they could for whatever reason.
  13. Busy day at work and just got to check the box score. Won't get to check again until it's over. Please Lord baby Jesus don't let me be a jinx
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