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Everything posted by tcp

  1. well, we seem to have two plays. get it to teddy or fail to get it to teddy and watch PSU with yet another easy basket. Very complex offense.
  2. our FTs are going to wind up the basis for a Conjuring movie
  3. we can be so painful to watch sometimes when that focus drifts off to somewhere.
  4. the moment of terror....free throws
  5. this is a tough time to have to build a program in this league. I've sort of accepted that this might be a pretty dry stretch for us while the league is this deep and strong. We just got blasted by a team of freshman starters and they're going to be around for awhile. that's just the way the league is right now in the top half. at least the old ACC juggernaut had a bottom. This league..
  6. long stretches of mental poopsies and confusion, a season long fear of the free throw (It's free! It's gotta be a trick!), and the whole "if the shot misses, you're supposed to go after the ball" thing throwing us for a loop spells "L O S E" In a middling league, this team wouldn't look this bad. But we're in *this* league, and it's liek you have to be good to even finish out of last place in this damned thing. NUs gotta a lot of gap to cover still. And it doesn't appear anyone else in the conference is willing to slow down to let us catch up a bit.
  7. Would they take James Woods? His eligibility is questionable, but he's got an Oscar nom....
  8. guess our hope are down to Penn St or Northwestern. This conference is just scary loaded with talent.
  9. they probably all just wobbled out to the garage and set themselves on fire.
  10. chalk up another one. but at leas this one's only number 3 in a row, so there's that!
  11. even the cardboard cutouts going to their cardboard cars early.
  12. what the hell shot was that?
  13. well....poop. I was hoping we were going to have this thing where we beat the teams that start with the letter 'P'.
  14. well, that exactly what they *want* us to believe, isn't it?
  15. this team is maddening. so many stretches of mental lapses as much as anything else. it's one thing to lose a possession or two to a brain fart. but multiple minutes?
  16. we're slowing down again. legs going?
  17. is this the worst ft team we've ever had?
  18. half their team is freshmen,. they're going to be monsters for a few years.
  19. well, that got to 10 pts fast.
  20. so Boilers deciding this is the day they want out of 13th place for 3's. Of course. It was destiny.
  21. where!??!!?!?! I'm not ready!!!!!
  22. i seem to have stumbled onto a bricklayer's conference the last few minutes.
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