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Norm Peterson

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Everything posted by Norm Peterson

  1. No confusion. I think the point is to question the validity of the NET algorithm that produces a result that places a team with 4 Quad 3 and 4 losses 30 spots ahead of a team without any.
  2. And Walker's success should appeal to Traudt.
  3. Before I answer, do their aunts come as part of the deal or no?
  4. He says he wants to have this done before the portal opens.
  5. Looking back on things all those years ago, it is still SHOCKING to me how readily fans on this board threw the single-most successful coach in this program's history under the bus just because fat Jess Shepard thought practices were too tough. And how willing the former administration was to paint her as a racist in order to justify getting rid of her. And how comfortable local media figures were to dismiss her as maxed out as a Sweet 16-level coach. I think it's helpful to remind some of you of your former positions so that the next time we have a good thing going, you're not so willing to watch it walk out the door.
  6. He doesn't worry about getting his touches. He's all over the place setting screens, making hard cuts, forcing his defender to work. And with the offensive discipline this team is showing this year, he can be relatively confident that he'll see the ball at some point. And often, it'll be where he can do something positive with it. And when the shot's not there, he can pass the ball without having to worry that he'll never see it again. That was NOT the case last year.
  7. I've said this for awhile. These are good illustrations. Iona in particular. They have no Quad 1 or Quad 2 wins; we have 5. We have no Quad 3 or Quad 4 losses; they have 4.
  8. One of the most impressive things is that he did it without a complete roster overhaul. His best player right now is a guy who's been at SJSU for 4 seasons. There are some guys he brought in, sure, but he kept guys, too, and they're putting up much better numbers for him than under the prior coach.
  9. It's only slightly better than a coinflip that Maryland beats us, IMO. I've seen them in road games this year where they just didn't look all that hot. If we get that Maryland team, and bring our A game, we'll win. I'm worried about Minnesota being a trap game. We CANNOT lose to Minnesota. If we win those two, we'll have something to play for when Michigan St comes to town. And that'll be senior night, so ...
  10. Imma have to dig back. I kinda remember this and kept asking why we hadn't offered him yet.
  11. That's terrible. Hunter Dickinson has a grandmother who would have celebrated birthdays with him. We see you, Wisconsin. We will judge your entire university and fanbase by the people who playfully booed Hunter Dickinson while he was whatever.
  12. With that win, I believe SJSU has guaranteed itself to finish with a winning record for the 2nd or third time this century.
  13. How many road wins against ranked opponents in program history? How many road wins against ranked opponents this season?
  14. Well, buy, rent, what have you.
  15. Excellent question. I think for the first time in Hoiberg's tenure here, the list of needs and must-haves is short and manageable. I think we stand a reasonable chance of finding the pieces we need.
  16. Next, start talking about the Notre Dame coaching search.
  17. Mark his words. If he's wrong, remember it.
  18. Starting to feel a little more confident that things are going to fall into place. Normally at this time of year, there would be an angry mob with pitchforks lining up to demand a coach with this kind of record be fired, tarred and feathered, and run out of town on a rail. And yet we're not doing that. Instead, so many of us are saying things like we like what we're seeing and could see it working and give Fred another year to see what he can do. And if we're noticing good things, we're probably not the only ones. In fact, I'm pretty sure we're not the only ones. I'll just leave it at that.
  19. Typos are the bain of my existence. I feel Jimmy's pane.
  20. I thought it was Butgers. Are you sure it wasn't Butgers?
  21. For @49r or anyone else who knows these things: Is this the first time in Kenpom history that San Jose St was more highly ranked in Kenpom than Nebraska?
  22. So, you think if we get to 17-17, we'll still be hovering around 100 in the NET?
  23. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Butgers in a place called Piss Skat Away?
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